Feidhlim Harty

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since Jan 15, 2015
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Irish environmental consultant and author of Septic Tank Options and Alternatives (a guide to conventional, natural and eco-friendly methods and technologies) and Permaculture Guide to Reed Beds (A-Z of domestic scale treatment wetlands for septic tank effluent or grey water).
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Recent posts by Feidhlim Harty

Hi John, my mum used to make biochar and used the neighbours tractor and yard to do it. She's fire up a big kiln of char, then drive back and forth until it was pretty well crushed and then sweep it up for sale.
4 years ago
Thanks for outlining your experience Cristo. Great to have examples to draw on. :-)
5 years ago
There seems to be a growing hunger for cutting out plastic. We need to stop it at source. With plastic in the zooplankton at the very bottom of the ocean food chain, how long will it be before plastic fills every gut of every marine animal there is, and then long outlasts the corpse... and goes on to fill more fish, birds and sea animals (and ourselves, who eat them!).

In terms of how - I think we can boil down our responses to 5 things:
1 - Feed the right wolf (buy the biodegradable material rather than the plastic item) in our own shopping;
2 - Live simply (negating the need for that purchase in the first place);
3 - Advocate for change (through change.org, uplift.ie, sumofus.org, avaaz etc., through letter and email campaigns, through communicating with manufacturers, local and national governments etc., Extinction Rebellion etc.);  
4 - Hold hands (find like minded company for support and assistance and company while you engage with the other elements);
5 - Hold the vision (what top athlete will tell you that she succeeded in getting that Olympic gold by picturing a good clear image of a terrible outcome? None. Similarly, even as we face into uncertain times, we may do well to hold a very clear positive image of a desirable goal: even something as simple as feeling really good that our local health food shop now stocks wash-up loofahs, to take just one example)

That's all ;-)

5 years ago
I find that bread soda on a luffa works a treat for stubborn glue - after soaking first overnight. :-)
5 years ago
Hi Elizabeth, welcome to the forum! I look forward to reading what you have written. :-)
5 years ago
Hi Andrea,

The main issue with percolation areas is that here in Ireland the recommendation is for a 4" perforated pipe laid in a gravel trench. Add willows and you'll clog the perforations and fill the pipe with roots. With the trench infiltration chamber type set up, which I think you have, you'll likely get a much longer life out of your system even with willows. If I had your system I'd try using hybrid biomass willow cuttings, planted in rows along the area in question. Allow about 80cm between rows and 30-50cm between willow cuttings in each row. Ideally plant them in blocks of 3 rows, with about 2m between blocks. That way you can coppice out full blocks on a 3-yr rotation basis. Does that make sense for your site?

Comfrey is another option. It will grow down deep and capture nutrients. I'm not sure if they will mop up much liquid or loosen the soil, but they'll certainly mop up N, P and K which you can harvest several times per growing season and put on a compost heap or direct as a surface mulch.
6 years ago
Hi Andrea, I'm glad you found it helpful. Thanks for the kind words.

Plant establishment is a flexible feast. In reality you can build your system, flush the loo and then don wellies and full protective clothing and wade in to do the planting if you wish. The drawbacks are the potential for contamination (if you get the wrong bacteria entering your body via a cut from one of your reeds it can actually kill you, so it's not something to recommend); it's a smelly, unpleasant sort of job; the soil (free water constructed wetland) or effluent in the gravel (horizontal flow gravel reed bed) will be anaerobic (due to the low dissolved oxygen levels in the effluent) and thus more of your plants will fail than if you plant into more suitable conditions. Also, the treatment effectiveness will be reduced until the plants thicken up.

It's not uncommon though for systems to be planted on the same day that effluent is introduced. If you have a problem site with existing pollution going to a stream - you're much better off putting it into a less-than-100%-effective reed bed than continuing to dump it in the stream for the year. In this case I often use straw, barley straw if possible, scattered in rows across the flow of the system (soil based constructed wetlands only) to provide a biomat layer for microbes to adhere to from the get-go.

Vis a vis your site: Do you know why your dome system is failing? Microfibre caking on the soil base; sludge overload; soil ingress? Is there a chance that a load of willows planted over the top of the system would provide enough preferential flow pathways to reignite the drainage again? See the next Permaculture Magazine (spring 2019) for layout details if you're interested in a design.

If you put in a reed bed, you'll still need to dispose of it. Section 7.2 "Permaculture Percolation" offers some thoughts on this, but no hard and fast designs. Have a read of that and let me know if that approach (a reduced dome system really, with cleaner effluent going into it and then planted with willows) would work.

Hope that helps. :-)  
6 years ago
Hi Cayo,

Perhaps you'll find it in India.


Pesticides are a good starting point. Plastic will probably follow elsewhere in the world in due course. It's all getting a bit mad - but we're seeing the madness now where we didn't before, and people are growing out of our enchantment with big business stories.

All the best in your searches.
6 years ago
Welcome Jesikah, great to have you on the forum.


6 years ago
Hi Fay, thanks for those thoughts. Funny thing, but last weekend was IYM (Ireland Yearly Meeting - the annual Quaker conference in Ireland) and one of the testimonies is Integrity. There are 5 or 6 in common usage (sometimes summarised as SPICES - Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality and Stewardship). Interesting that you should come back with one of them so soon after our meeting. I agree completely with compassion as well. The cornerstone of Buddhist teachings, along with wisdom.

Enjoy Permies.com. I was last month's author and thoroughly enjoyed the conversations that it started.


6 years ago