We are selling a fully operational urban farm in Detroit, MI that we have been building and managing for 4 years. We are looking for new owners to take over our work. An ideal buyer would have some amount of market gardening/agricultural experience, and be fully ready to continue operations in spring 2019.
We are selling all land, equipment, infrastructure, and a small house which could be either a home or office. We are open to training the new owners, helping with projects, and doing whatever it takes to ensure your comfort and success in the farm and house. We have not officially listed this property with any real estate company, though I have included the craigslist posting at the bottom. If you are interested we can be contacted at
Farm Data:
- 2.1 acres (21 combined city lots) Lots are owned and licensed with the city of Detroit for urban gardening.
- Incorporated as LLC in 2015
- Established relationships with restaurants and wholesale customers
- Access to farmer's markets in Detroit Metro area with established relationships
Market Garden:
- 52 permanent beds: each 100 sq ft
- Permanent trellising system for vining crops
- Irrigation system installed
- Able to be organically certified, soil tests on file and no synthetic chemicals or fertilizers ever used
- 2 high tunnels/greenhouses (Smaller tunnel: 700sq ft., Larger tunnel: 2160 sq ft.)
Agroforestry/permaculture production system:
- 36 additional market garden beds: each 150 sq ft.
- 20 pears, 20 peaches, and 10 apricots planted in rows for commercial production
- 50+ Elderberries for commercial production or propagation
- 50+ Aronia Berries for commercial production or propagation
- Rhubarb patch: 5 50' beds
- Strawberry patch: 4 50' beds
- Gooseberries: 50+ plants in hedgerow
- Nursery beds for production of tree stock for planting or sale
- Apples, Peaches, Pears, Paw paws planted for home use or sale
- Golden/Red Raspberries, Wineberries, Blackberries, Black Currant, Mulberries for home use, sale, or propagation
- Entire farm surrounded by biodiverse hedgerows with useful species including: dogwood, black locust, sugar maple, willows, chokecherries, chokeberries, serviceberries, redbuds, American cranberries, wild elderberries, and more
Tools and Equipment:
- Ford Ranger manual transmission pickup truck (on-farm truck only!)
- Jang Jp-1 Precision seeder
- Soil blocker units for transplant production as well as standardized propagation trays
- Greens Harvester for salad production
- Stand-up transplanter
- All harvesting and packaging equipment: knives, delivery bins, harvest baskets, salad spinner, etc.
- Row/bed covers (fabric and plastic) for organic pest control
- Shovels, hoes, rakes, trowels, wheelbarrows, broadfork and dozens of other hand tools
- Processing Shed: 200 sq ft.
- Enclosed Root cellar/Walk-in cooler: 40 sq ft.
- Fruit/Vegetable wash/pack area with metal tables, sprayers, wash tub, etc.
- Attached to house by covered walkway
- 20' Shipping container: 160 sq ft.
- Metal Roofed garage attached to Container: 320 sq ft.
- Small pole barn/shed: 150 sq ft.
- Tool rack/irrigation station/covered storage in garden
- Small Plastic tunnel for garage: 100 sq ft.
Community Network:
- Shared Neighborhood Tool Bank with access to riding mower, weed whips, and 40hp tractor
- Community Kitchen available for processing and packaging farm goods or value-added products
- Café space for consignment sale
- Community Greenhouse for transplant production and plant propagation
- 845 sq ft., 2 bedroom, 1 bath with additional 200 sq ft. porch
- Recently redone electrical and plumbing, newer appliances
- easily heated by built in wood stove
- double insulated walls and recently insulated attic
- All-natural earthen plasters and building elements
The house is sold as-is. We live here 365 days a year and it is comfortable and cozy and easily lived in, but it will not pass any inspection and will need additional work to be considered "finished." Way more information could be provided on request as we have essentially rebuilt this house from the inside out.
We are asking for $125,000 for everything listed and more, the rights to the business, the land, and the house. The farm business could easily pay for itself in 5 years. We are willing to train and coach the new farm owners in every aspect of the farm operation to ensure a smooth transition and long-term success.
We are open to land contracts, negotiation, and alternative financial agreements.