Thanks Steve
the cardboard tube is a good idea for future planting. I've seen people use paper towel rolls for seed starting, i didn't think it would have more use after that as well. currently, i don't think it will help since i'm just casting the seed(ie throwing it on the ground), but i could work it in for future plantings.
I do have an air powered pellet rifle that i inherited. i did wonder if i would need to use it. surprisingly, there has been minimal rabbit damage so far. not sure why, but i'm going to go with it.
I wasn't too impressed with rabbit meat the few times i've had it. but, i've recently been trying brining meat. wow, is that a game changer for pork! maybe doing that to some rabbit would be good.
1.50 euros for a bare root tree? nice! do you get them at a local nursery or online? it might be worth the shipping and hassle of customs to order them from the U.S. at that price. at the local nursery by me fruit trees that are 3-5 feet (1-1.5 meters) are going for about $30-50 each (26-44 euros). I was going to go in there around Fall to see what kind of sales they might have.
I did order and receive some tree/bushes that i have been planting. blueberry, blackberry, fig and cherry. in the spring i might try to clone them through cuttings.
one thing i've learned so far is that businesses are oddly protective of their waste products. it took a lot of phone calls to find a source of newspaper, and even then i could only have a certain amount per week. the coffee places refuse to let me have coffee grounds. etc..
in the fall i am going to drive around on trash day and pick up the tree leaves people put out for pickup, and use those for mulch.
I started a worm bin, so i'll use those castings as well. I acquired 6 chickens too. once i get their chicken tractor done in the next couple days, they will be out there helping too.
Thanks for the reply Steve, I always appreciate the input