Bruce Roberts

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since Mar 06, 2015
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Timothy Markus wrote:
As for duck feed, I don't know where you are, but call the feed mills around you. Here I can get non-GMO feed for not much more than conventional feed or organic for a 40-50% premium. I do know that you can get feed shipped, though that's expensive.

Thanks for the reply!

I have feed stores around, but not any mills that I am aware of...and a few of the feed stores will buy large lots of barley, oats, etc. that I could put something together, but I was wondering about brands that are non/less GMO or even BIG AG than Purina that I could use for my ducklings especially. I want to get them off to a good start and once they are adults, I could see mixing my own up...which I frequently do with my rabbits...

8 years ago
I have some Golden Cascades coming in the mail in a few weeks as day-old chicks. I am building a night pen for them and a daytime paddock that has them in close proximity to my rabbit hutches to take advantage of the bug-shaped protein that hangs out with the rabbits. I feed my rabbits, organic greens and such but I also feed them Payback brand %18 protein pellets. The rabbits manage to get the pellets everywhere...will they be safe for the ducks? Any thoughts?

Also, I am looking for duck feed that is NOT Purina brand for ducklings and layers...Any suggestions?
8 years ago