Lj Jane

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since Mar 19, 2015
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Just wanted to update what we ended up using for our project. Instead of messing any further with making the angle grinder work we bought a hammer drill. After piecing the parts together to make the angle grinder work the hammer drill was a better deal. It was only $10 more than the assorted pieces it would have taken to make our angle grinder work. We consider it an investment since we will be returning to this project over the years.
9 years ago
Ditto on the allergies! I made the mistake of going "all in" one year growing oyster mushrooms indoors. I nearly died... no joking. I found out I am allergic to the spores in a confined area. I was really, really sick for several weeks and couldn't put my finger on it. All of my mushroom adventures are outdoors now with a face mask and protective gear. I can eat them but not breath them....
9 years ago
I bought one about a year ago on Amazon and it works great for the bathroom sink and so so for the tub just because of the angle of the pipe... I used it weekly!
9 years ago
Thank you all. This answered my questions. The mushroom supplies websites were calling the chuck and "adapter" and not a chuck which was where I was confused in my search
9 years ago
We cut the logs for our shiitakes this weekend. We have an angle grinder and have read that is the quickest way to drill holes. What exactly do I need to be looking for to refit it for drillling holes? I have Lowe's locally and that is about it as far as buying in store. I just need to know what the parts best set up is.
9 years ago
I can't comment your design but can share this for others who might be looking for cost effective deer fencing.
When we fenced in our 100 foot garden money was a concern and deer are a huge issue here. So, I read a bunch and tried the following (deer don't see well which is an important part of why this seems to work).
We left the corner posts 8 feet tall. The wire fencing on the bottom part of the fence is only 4 feet high but for the upper 4 feet I took boundary marking tape (old vcr tape also worked) and ran to it from corner post to corner post back and forth. It makes it look like the fence is 8 feet tall but it is really only four feet. I also hung streamers off these lines that flap in the wind. The deer think this is a really tall fence and I have had ZERO issue with deer in the garden unlike the orchard right next door which has 6 foot tall traditional fencing. The garden fence was even electrified and we have had no need to turn it on thus far in 4 years.
9 years ago

Cassie Langstraat wrote:Anyone see how to view the talks that we missed? It says something about clicking a welcome tab but I am not seeing one. Am I blind?

I found the recorded mushroom session under the schedule tab. Sessions are available for 48 hours after they occur. This should take you there ~ http://www.smallfarmsummit.org/welcome/
9 years ago
Thank you! The mushroom culvation session is very timely as I have a couple thousand plugs and some sawdust spawn ready for logs.
9 years ago