Rebecca Fussner wrote:do you have a cat? And does it like the vine? It kinda looks like it could be in the silver vine family. Lovely catnip alternative with early seed pods very tasty similar to young milkweed pods.
Anne Miller wrote:Is it very wet where this plant is growing?
How many petals do the flowers have? And the stamens?
Looks similar to the Sagittaria family which is a water plantain.
If it is in the bindweed family maybe it is a cuscuta or a dodder:
Heather Sharpe wrote:Interesting. I noticed last year, even the hedge bindweed couldn't manage to twine around pumpkin leaves or their stems. Though it sure climbed everything else. I wonder if something about pumpkins makes those plants behave differently? Or it might just be a different plant. Can you get a closer picture of the flower? That can really help with identification.
Of course! I love a good plant mystery. Hope you figure it out and it's not one of the more poorly behaved bindweed family members!