Bo Hayes

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since Mar 23, 2015
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I grew up in So Cali and went thru the horticulture program from a local college. I loved making landscapes beautiful, but only grew a small amount of food. I moved to Idaho 22 yrs ago and met some great farmers, learned how to grow food organically, then I discovered permaculture. I really, really, really want to take a PDC course, really and am saving my pennies to hopefully do so soon. I had a 1600 sq foot veggie garden with 8 fruit trees, grape arbors, currants, etc, etc then the marriage broke up and I am without land (*sigh*). A friend is giving me her backyard to grow food in this year, I am grateful,  but there's nothing like being able to open your door and get to work. I found Paul's 2013 Permaculture Voices Brick presentation and feel in love. I am working my way through his podcasts while working (gotta love ear buds!). I love forward to meeting like minded folks here at the forums.
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Boise, Idaho
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Recent posts by Bo Hayes

Hi Cassie,

I just attempted to download the Rocket Mass Heater Manual and it still appears to be corrupted... "Oh bother", said Pooh! And thanks for all your hard work, Cassie.
I started making bone broth a few months ago when I learned all it's lovely benefits for our bodies! I live in Boise and first went to our local Co-op to purchase marrow bones. I compared prices at Whole Foods, and guess what??? The Co-op beat WF by a landslide (no surprise here).

I found a few recipes online and found that I like Wellness Mama's quite a bit. I must say that I am one who pursues recipes for idea, but always tend to make them my own. I did a combo beef bone/chicken carcass broth once that was very interesting. I find that letting the beef broth simmer for 72 hours results in a great consistency.

This is only my second post at Permies and I must say, I am totally excited to be here!!! Thanks everyone look forward to getting to know my way around these parts. Oh, here's a link to Wellness Mama's recipe for the broth...

9 years ago
Hey Carl, welcome... I'm always excited to learn new ways of approaching food. I'm very much looking forward to your offerings.
9 years ago