iulian Dutu

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since Mar 26, 2015
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I have a corner of my garden where these plants are growing every year...my sheep seems to like their tubers, any idea how much I should allow them to eat ?

Thank you,
9 years ago

William Bronson wrote: I have no animals, so thus is straight from the armchair :
How about giving them a separate warm weather shelter, very basic, just to keep the rain off, and vermicomposting the muck till it gets cold again? By then, the volume should be greatly reduced and it coukd be perfect for applying to fields or even to sell.

That's what I'm planning to do

Kris schulenburg wrote:Beautiful sheep!

9 years ago
Although most of people in our area have wells...nobody use them anymore...I guess because of bad manure management

Pretty much the same here...but, we had snow for quite long time so they stayed inside their shelter most of winter days...therefore enough muck for me to scoop out.

I do the garden with a broad fork, too...

9 years ago
Why do you need to cover it ?

If I'll let it sit uncovered till fall, it will decompose enough to be easier to spread it in the garden ?
9 years ago
Pretty much the same kind of work here...I thought that when I'll increase my herd, therefore their winter barn, probably a small tractor or walk behind loader will do it...or maybe a muck shredder ?
In my village, everybody has at least a cow or goats or sheep or horse or combination of those so there is always a lot of manure around

How do you manage your manure pile ? What you plan to do with it ?
9 years ago
I'm not sure what you mean by this system...during winter I add layers of straw every now and then, when I think is need it...is this what you mean ? Today I had to remove about 30 cm thick or so of poop and straw mixture...which I find it rather difficult
9 years ago
Hi, although I occasionally read around here, this is my first post...I have 2 sheep and a ram and it came to the day when I had to scoop their winter poop from their barn...I found it kind of difficult cause during winter it compacted and it's hard to remove it...for the future, are there any other clever permie ways to manage their droppings so this operation won't be necessary ?

Thanks a lot,
9 years ago