Lukasz Lakomy

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since Mar 31, 2015
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Recent posts by Lukasz Lakomy

Thanks for the previous tip. I've purchased one deck. Did not know Amazon does this global shipping programme, turn out to be reasonably priced. Looking forward to get them and will leave review afterwards.

Great news with Amazon. Unfortunately atm Amazon UK still shows prices 30-40 GBP.

I've contributed to you latest Kickstarter (15VIDEOS level) and will be expecting bunch of DVDs coming. Would it be possible to put a deck of cards in the parcel to save on shipping?
Went to the chickens video page. I gave my email to watch the video, gave my email to get chickens pdf, every link I click need to give my email, after few times I gave up. Frustrating.
Fair enough, thanks

Wow, this printer is a naughty character
Will it be possible to get some sort of exclusivity for the UK or EU? I'm planning to buy 9 bricks...

I'm thinking of ordering few bricks to the UK. Shipping is crazy, then there will be VAT on top

Is it possible to resell them afterwards? I'm thinking of maybe becoming "UK/EU distributor" of those cards. But to do that I need to know whether you are selling them in bulk to someone in Europe for the same purpose. I don't want to invest $$$ and then go into undercutting war with someone.

What about those unfortunate souls who do not live in the US? What will be the shipping cost?
Or possibly Taraxacum californicum, also known as the California dandelion:
9 years ago

I love Elderberry. In June I harvested flowers and made elderberry cordial. Now I'm getting ready to harvest the fruits and make some syrup for winter. Either in sugar on in alcohol. From what I read it contains some serious antiviral properties.

When I harvest them I'll make sure they all ripen (dark purple in colour) and that there are no pests on it, as removing them is a pain.
9 years ago
Hello Sergei

I've watched your video that was included in Paul's kickstarter. Great. Started feeding my family weeds from my lawn. Wife a bite sceptic but my son loves it.

If in worst case scenario I win your book what are the chances of it being shipped to the UK?

9 years ago