Andy Lewis

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since Apr 01, 2015
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Recent posts by Andy Lewis

Christine Circe wrote:Click thumbs up (or +1) to vote for: Add your own idea! reply with a suggestion!

Wiki/editable forum with regional plant palettes such as the one from Eric T. here:

If the course teaches you how to be a Master Gardener, it may be helpful to have some localized understanding of how best to apply the concepts, and perhaps that starts with a recommended understanding of a known-good selection of plants.
Just like a Bob Ross painting course starts with a known-good palette of paints.
2 years ago
I'd like a link please.  Thanks and good luck!
BTW, if the code were persistent, and I used it to shill for all of your future stuff when I bought the "with sprinkles" level, then this could conceivably be an investment.  Furthermore, if that code persisted and was applied to a charity I created, then anybody viewing it and applying it could send money to my charity indefinitely.  So, if I wanted to get a code for Janeen's Catahoula Rescue and shared it as part of my "name" in my Producer mention...
NM - too complicated.
But I'd still like a link :-0)
2 years ago
Are shopping lists included w/the drawings?  Maybe a digital shopping list w/Amazon (or seller of choice) affiliate links so that monetization can continue?  Including links to resources for more info?
Once upon a time I had a shopping list for all the stuff for building (fire bricks, etc) but lost it.  Ditto for all the stuff I was going to read & view.  Tragically, I failed to put either list where I could find it again.  
Add that PDF at the $1 level to continue to monetize and provide valuable resources for absent-minded or unorganized people :-0)
2 years ago
Our community has started a spontaneous book exchange at our post office.  Take-a-book/leave-a-book.  I have done that w/the Building a Better World book and was FIRED UP to see multiple signatures on the "Pass it on" page, so at least one of the new books will be added to that rotation...
MAYBE at some point take them all and bind them together to be released as an integrated compendium too.
"Pass it on" page is a great idea - please ensure each hardcopy book includes one...

paul wheaton wrote: Amazon gift card?  

Basically, whatever the amount is plus $10 for manual processing.  

Done!  Sent to; thanks again for being flexible!
6 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:

Don't you get the option to pay with credit card without logging in to paypal?

Nope.  Blackballed.  "Your credit card couldn't be processed.  Please try another card."  
When I contact the bank, they say PayPal never even attempted a transaction.  It's killed before exiting PayPal's system.
So, it's something in their system that forbids my cards even if I don't login etc.  Have cleared cookies/cache etc - no joy.
I've been dealing with this for several months and haven't been able to locate anybody who could explain it much less fix it.  Even had a face-to-face w/a PayPal "rep" in Phoenix who simply regurgitated the "help" response for that error.
THE MAN is trying to keep me DOWN!
In the mean time, please holler if there's another way to purchase the tiny download.
6 years ago
Would like to upgrade to the tiny download of ATC but am blackballed by PayPal (long, very unpleasant story about the power of THE MAN, or in this case, THE NOT-MY-(pay)PAL).
Any payment options available besides paypal?
6 years ago