Kevin Barske

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since Apr 09, 2015
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Thanks for the advice.  I already use the "stench bucket" method to make a comfrey tea (which might also be considered an invasive weed by some:))

I'm not sure if my neighbours or family will be that thrilled to discover that I have another stench bucket brewing but I'll give it a shot.  Seems a shame to let all that green material go to waste otherwise.
5 years ago
Hi all,

I have Creeping Bellflower growing in my yard.  It is listed locally on the Invasive Species list but I'm not looking to get rid of it.  

I've seen that the young leaves and roots can be eaten.  My question however is it ok to compost these green leaves before they flower?  Creeping Bellflower grows fairly quickly without any input from me and I'd love to use it as a green material in my compost.  I posted this question in my local gardening Facebook group and the people here are worried about composting it as it is an aggressive "weed" and they are afraid of spreading it.

Has anyone tried composting the green parts of the Creeping Bellflower?  Or is my local FB group right and I should put it out with the yard waste?

5 years ago