Andrew Sheets

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since Apr 17, 2015
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Hello, i would like to bring forth some great information that i have come across. started reading the new book



I am wondering if any permies knows more, and if any one knows of any great working examples of self sufficiency and market farm/permaculture like theirs in the usa?
Its a great read so far! In the video they have a great chiken coop in the hightunlle!
very inspiring
8 years ago
Awesome, great info! I'll try and take out the seeds when ever we stop. The Celica gell is diffrent than your normal. The gel is orange when completely dry and changes to dark green as it absorbs moisture. We have been alerted that most blue-to-pink indicating silica gels contain cobalt chloride, which might pose a risk of cancer; the primary concern is with dust inhalation. That's from southern exposure seeds. I can even put seeds in bags, then glass then bucket haha.
8 years ago
Hello, not sure where to post this but here I go.
I have a pretty big amount of seed I just purchased thinking I could grow them out and start saving seed this year, but it turns out in tracking down to Ashville nc area to wwoof and hopefully find another place to grow and save seed with.
So my worry is keep my seeds safe and viable while traveling around. So far I have a 6 gallon screw down food bucket , big zip lock bags, original packets the seeds come in, and some glass jars. I have also purchased some indicated Cilicia gell from southern exposure. My thought is to put the seed bags then in the bucket with Cilicia gell.
Does that sound like a good environment for the seeds or would something else work better?

I've spent good money on the seed and hope they will last and that I will not have to buy much more seed the fallowing years. Relying on seed saving and trading is my goal. So I hope you fellow permies have some good experience with travling seed banks!
8 years ago
I have had that pork in Seattle and oh it was good!
9 years ago
I'll look into Mark Shepard. Now with some of the best pork in world such as in Spain, do they give added grain as well to the silvopasture?
I'm not agenst grain it just comes down to cost and making a closed loop system.
9 years ago
Thanks for the great info! It's incurgeing to see people have succes with a good natrual system.
9 years ago
I have read some of sugar mountain farms info, and it seems great. I have no problem with the good information on pasture raised pigs. That's the only way I want to raise pigs, or least try. I want it to be as sustainable as possible.
I have told The old farmer/ homesteader im living with about sugar mountain farm and how they use mostly forge and less suppalemted food and he thinks he is lyeing. He is so convinced that pigs can't get big enough on pasture and have to be fed grain. He is also one who thinks cattle should be feed grain and if something is bigger its better.
We live in about 2 hours east from sugar mountain farm so very simeler claimant. I also wanted to mention that I would love for more people to chime in with good examples of pastured pigs with little supplemented feed like pig ration/ grain, for some good inspiration. I will also look threw the forum and see what I can find.
Thanks for yoir impute
9 years ago
So I was I was reading sepp holzers book and it mentions that pigs can root in the snow for tuner and such. Now I told that to the farmers that I'm staying with and they said they would not be able to root in frozen ground.. As well as not being interested.
Now I ask you permies.. Can pigs root in frozen ground, if even interested?
Assuming that there is sufficient forge/ fodder crop
( turnips, sun chokes, radish, poatos Etc.)
9 years ago
I just might.. Have you experienced the same issue?
9 years ago
Not sure if this the right section to post but here I go..
I've been growing butternut rogosa violina gioia and if been having problems with the fruit splitting/ cracking in half where the squash bottle necks. I water at least 2 times a week. The plant is trellised, and the Climate is Boulder co, so zone 5a. Summer time with Highs in high 80s to around 93 with nights around high 60
I've been losing a lot of butternut
Any one els have this issue or has experienced it?
9 years ago