James Nelson

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since Apr 20, 2015
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Thank you for the reply Tracy. Unfortunately not one single egg hatched. I wanted to move my hen about a week into her sitting but she was a first time broody and I was afraid that it would break her forever. I took all the eggs out but now she insists on sitting on more eggs. I keep finding her on the eggs that my other chickens have laid throughout the day when I am at work. Will it hurt her to sit on another batch of eggs or will another three weeks stress her to much? I will definitely move her to her own "maternity ward" this time. If it will hurt her then how do I make her stop sitting on the eggs? Thanks
9 years ago
Hello all!
I have a question. I came home from work today and found my broody setting in a different nest box than the one she has been in for the last 16 days. I don't know how long she had been off the nest. If I had to guess I would say no more than three hours. I felt the eggs and they were not super cold (outside temp is 70) but they were definitely not up to what they should be. Can the unhatched chicks stand this or will it kill them inside the shell?
9 years ago