Irene Kightley

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since Apr 13, 2009
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Recent posts by Irene Kightley

Oh Stacey, I know those feelings so well "thrilled and terrified". I too lost a child then had numerous miscarriages and there's very little that people can say to end the hurt.

I totally agree that you should try not to live in fear of what could happen. That was one of the things that really helped me a long time ago and I'm trying to re-create the same state of mind to help me now.

I've had more than a year of exhaustion and pain and a host of other weird symptoms. Tests, hospital, doctors, more tests then, in December. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Mesothelioma. That's a cancer caused by asbestos which has lain latent in my body for 50 years - when I was a trainee designer in the textile industry. What bloody bad luck eh?

Anyway, although I always said that if I ever got cancer I wouldn't do chemotherapy, the temptation to live a bit longer was too much for me and I'm still here after 6 months. I'm managing the pain and accepting the tiredness and adapting my way of living to what I can and can't do. Like many of you, I have good days and bad days and on the good days, I read posts in Permies....
2 years ago
We've had ours for a few years. We use it all the time and I wish I'd bought the biggest size. (Everyone I know who has one says the same thing.)

The tap water here smells like chlorinated swimming pool water and the Berkey makes it a very nice taste. It makes nice tea and coffee too!

I appreciate the fact that we can use it to filter our stored rainwater and water from the stream if we need to.
3 years ago
Hi Micheal,
They look a lot like Mirabelles Prunus domestica subsp. syriaca They should be very sweet when they are ripe but many of the fruits in the photo look as though they've been gathered too soon and are still a bit green.
3 years ago
No Susan, these are a Chinese quince Pseudocydonia sinensis.

However, I do have photos of lots of cydonia oblonga plants grown from seed. I planted a 'Lucitanica' ten years ago, a wonderful, productive, beautiful, clay-loving and resistant to wind little tree. Each year we make lots of things from the near perfect fruit. Some rotten ones (You have to be quick with quince!) lie on the ground and I literally just step on them and grind up the fruit on the round with my boot then water well. One or two years later, I usually have 5 or 6 new trees which I replant or (mostly) give away. This year, I'm leaving a few to flower because I'd like to taste the ungrafted fruit.

3 years ago
Thanks for the lovely comments! I love my chickens.

I've been keeping chooks for a long time and worked out lots of way of using them to help me a manage the hectare of gardens around the house. A few areas of the garden are fenced, some things are covered or protected with sticks, but the chickens are allowed to go all over the place, with their fantastic colours and busy ways. You need a big garden to do this though.

We change our cockerels almost every year, so George went to a neighbour a long time ago. If any of our boys are other than perfect gentlemen, they go in the pot. This was one of my favourites:

Jen, I don't have Angoras any more, I gave away our last goats, a beautiful big male and his castrated pal last year. That was a bit sad, the end of 25 years of keeping Angoras but I'm 70 in a couple of days and it was time for me to relax a bit.
3 years ago
This tiny hen sat on 6 goose eggs and brought her brood to maturity!

This hen raised this brood from 8 eggs I brought from the UK to France - some of the eggs were more than a month old!

This is George our Brahma cockerel in front of our chicken shed

Our chickens never eat our veg and always use the paths. Hoho.....

When I want to plant a new area the poultry clean it up for me. One of our Dachshunds is supervising that the job's done well.

Our chickens clean up around the shrubs and keep snakes away from the house

Chicken with chicks and some pheasant chicks they raised in front of the henhouse

Our chickens are trained to pick ticks and lice off our angora goats after shearing. The goats love it!
3 years ago
If you choose a house with a roof ridge that's orientated west/east as a basis, and ideally, already has the living areas facing south, you can, if needed, add bigger windows and shading to allow the sun to shine into the house in winter and keep it out in summer.

I'd recommend having a lean-to greenhouse on just part of the south-facing side with a way of sending the heat upstairs to an open loft area in summer and use climbing plants, trees etc. to shade the sun. I use plants a lot for wind breaks and for controlling the comfort around our house. They're cheap and beautiful and carefully chosen, can leaf and flower exactly when you need them.

We're in South West France and have temperatures that range from -15°c to 42°c. Our house is about 350m² and I've never seen it more than 25° in the summer and it's warm and comfortable where we need it in the winter. A few times a year we've more than twenty people here for PDCs and other courses, normally in October and January. We use less than 4m² of wood each year to heat the house, cook, for hot water, drying plants, clothes etc. We also buy two small bottles of propane a year for summer cooking and use a pocket rocket fuelled by corn husks and waste wood. We're off grid with a very modest array of photovoltaic panels.

I've posted some details of the house (including a video of the interior temperatures when it's more than 40° outside) plus a few more ideas to provide more comfort. The thread is here, I hope it helps you in your planning.
3 years ago
Bob, I have the same problem and I solved it by lowering the evacuation tube and letting the excess water flow out, then quickly putting the tube back into the tub I use to capture the water. I hope that helps.
3 years ago
I have metal tops for my mason jars (Le Parfait) too, I bought them from Amazon years ago and they've been great for liquid soap but clog up easily and squirt in your eye if your soap has lumps!

We also use magnetic soap holders which save soap from going soft. It's quite satisfying clunking them on to the holder, so it encourages people to use them.

4 years ago
These are the same quince trees I showed a few years ago. I haven't eaten or used the fruit yet because there wasn't enough. I decided to give them away to folk who wanted to sprout the seeds, especially the woman who gave me the first fruit - who now has a garden to plant hers in.

I think that they're worth growing for the autumn colour alone!

4 years ago