Hello, I invested in a better compost tea system for this years garden and I'm having some troubles with it. First off the system is a 20 gallon trash can and I am using a 1450 gph savio flow through pond pump. So I can put my compost tea ingredients directly into suspension without risking anaerobic condition's with a paint strainer bag. I have the pump rigged with 1 inch pvc pipes going back into the brew. Its aerated with a venturi. Now the issue is I take the temperature of the tea and the temps are increasing way too high!
I was heating it with an aquarium heater but ended up removing it to see if that would help and it hasn't. I took the temperature of the tea today and it was at 90 degrees farenheit up from 80 degrees farenheit from yesterday. This is without any other external heat source. The air temp in Ohio is around 60 degrees right now so I know its not weather. I also keep it in a cool shaded garage while brewing. From my understanding compost tea should be around 75 degrees and Im very concerned that 90 degrees is harming more of the micro-herd.
So after all that my question is do you knowledgeable people think this is caused by excess heat coming from the pump itself? Or if this heat is caused by bacterial action? Is 90 degree temps even worthy of beig concerned with?
Thanks to all on this forum.