Mallory Beck

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since May 26, 2015
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Hi there! I am new to this forum, brought here because of Linda's book - which I am super excited about. Welcome Linda! I love to garden and always wish I knew what to do to use everything from the veggies that so much of them goes in the compost. I use what I can when it is fresh, for juicing and making smoothies, but they are far from perfected. I also wish I knew a way to use Dandelion leaves that the bitterness was somewhat lost. But I couldn't help but reply - I don't know any old time ways of using cukes, as Linda might, but I eat 1-3 cakes a day, most days, and always wish there were MORE of them in our winter co-op produce. I end up buying cases of them when I do a week long juice fast or cleanse once a year, usually in the late winter. I love them for their alkalinity and high water content. I love to cut them up in my daily salad, throw them in the Vitamix for smoothies or a cooling soup (especially with celery and/or avocado!) or use 2 when I make a big batch of juice. If you don't have a Vitamix, cucumbers are awesome in just about any blender. They are the most alkaline vegetable on the planet (As far as I know - I guess I'm no expert!) and are high in potassium and vitamin K, and also a good source of vitamins A&C and a and ß carotenes, and lutein. I would love to learn different ways of using them too, if Linda knows some (or anybody!), because I love trying new/old creative ideas.
Thank you to Paul Wheaton's emails, which is how I found out about this forum. Blessings! ~Mallory
9 years ago