Jacob McDonald

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since Jun 11, 2015
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I am excited to share with you my family's business of providing the purest and most beautiful beeswax available.

Our main rendering facility is located in Burnsville, North Carolina where we not only extract beeswax we refine it using a filtration process that our grandfather began and we have continued to improve upon. We now filter down to 1 micron.. this is 100 times smaller than the holes in a cotton t-shirt.

Our extraction and refinement process that we use is all natural and allows for a high grade beeswax perfect for candles. We do not use bleaches or other caustic stripping chemical components in our process we use an all natural process that keeps intact natures handiwork while providing a clean and pleasantly aromatic wax.

Our entire process is done in the US. We work alongside American beekeepers, collecting and cleaning raw materials and can assure that any Beeswax or products obtained through our business is supporting American Beekeeping and is supporting our philosophy of sustainable living and health in the environment.

If you are interested in Filtered Bulk Beeswax
Please contact Beelite today


many blessings,

Jacob McDonald
Beelite Beeswax Recovery

9 years ago