Bradley Dillinger

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since Jun 12, 2015
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Cincinnati,OH Zone 6a
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Recent posts by Bradley Dillinger

I would highly recommend checking your Thyroid levels. If they are low you can take 2 Kelp pills and 3 fish oil every day. This helped me to get my levels back on track holistically, and helped with the energy situation.
Also, for general energy and libido I recently started taking tribulus terrestris. It's been working well.
For testosterone you can try taking Horny Goat Weed. DHEA is a very powerful testosterone enhancer but you definitely want to do some research on it, and work with your doctor to come up with a regimen. I think it's reccomended that you go off of DHEA every so often so your body doesn't get used to it and stop producing natural testosterone.

I hope this helps and wish you all the best!
6 years ago
In my experience, to get rid of slugs, all you have to do is put out a small bowl filed with beer. The slugs are attracted to it and will drown in the beer overnight. I have killed over 100 on the first night. Try it out, super simple and easy.
8 years ago
I recently learned about the toy pop-pop boat and thought it was really interesting. After thinking about how it works, I wondered if anyone adapted the concept to a Rocket Stove. It seems like this could be an ultra efficient\clean method of water transportation.
8 years ago
Hello, after many issues my wife finally tried some homeopathic medicine that worked for her. Claritin and other pharmaceuticals didn't work. Here is a link, try it out.
8 years ago
Hey Greg, A great start is Gaia's Garden by Toby Hemenway. You can also watch some free videos by Geoff Lawton on youtube or his website. A lot will depend on your location/climate and your goals. If you share that, I'm sure people could help you out even more.
8 years ago
Sounds interesting, please let me know if you ever try the Paw Paw Tree. It is an understory tree that tends to like partly shaded areas. I would think that it would like the cooler summers, and might even do well planted in full sun in your area.
9 years ago
Great design. I would second berry plants for low maintenance food forest crops. Also due to the part shade that you have, take a look at the Paw Paw tree. It is native to zone 6 in Ohio where I live.
9 years ago
Some fungi are capable of breaking down toxins, so an indirect method would be to simply grow large quantities of plants to absorb the toxins and then harvest them for a compost bin with plenty of fungal growth.

Check out this film. It talks about fungi breaking down toxic waste and herbicides.

9 years ago
Patrick, Thanks for the reply!

I live in the suburbs and have considered trying to raise quail outdoors. I'm choosing quail because the square footage requirements are lower and they are quieter than chickens. This is of course a trial.

One of the main reasons I wanted to try it was because I watched the Back to Eden documentary and saw how Paul was raising chickens on mostly yard and garden waste, while getting high quality compost at the same time. The eggs will be a bonus.

I will only have about a 10x20 garden this year to supplement my families vegetable needs. Outside of the garden, I want to grow native plants that will help supplement the chicken feed. I was of course thinking that legumes could built soil as well as provide bonus protein at the same time.

I appreciate all the help
9 years ago