Victor Cobian

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since Jul 07, 2015
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We are a couple who are presently doing a natural building course and PDC with Permaculture Eden in France. We are keen on finding ourselves a piece of land where we can start using our skills and set up a lovely permaculture homestead. We would like to find something in Europe preferably in France, Spain, Italy, Portugal. Ideally we would like at least 1 hectare or more of land with a house on the property. We would also like to either be near mountains or near the Ocean. If the land already has some kind of perennial food plants/trees that would be great. We would like to be near a vibrant city where there is lots of diversity and interesting things happening.

If someone knows of anything that might be of interest to us it would be greatly appreciated if you could let us know.

Thank you.
9 years ago