Melody Lacy

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since Aug 02, 2015
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Recent posts by Melody Lacy

I have been harvesting dewberries to feed my birds in the summers here in the Central Savannah River Valley of Georgia.
3 years ago
Try shopping at the Vermont Country Store for natural and wool underwear.  They have some traditional styles.
Tounsend and Sons has everything you need.  
Both have online catalogs of high quality stuff.
4 years ago
We have a good dog.  She herds the ducks from garden area to field to garden area.  She is trained to notice when they start eating plants and them move them.  She's good at it.  She's a Miniature Austalian Shepherd.  Some of them are silly and way too small.  She's under 30 pounds and always busy moving those ducks.  The ducks tolerate her well and are gaining weight very well.  Otherwise, keep ducks away from your food and crops.
4 years ago