Margaret Taylor

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since Aug 09, 2015
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Wow! I didn't expect this to spark off so much debate! Sounds like we're getting into a philosophical discussion about what permaculture is and whether microgreens count.

(Naively) I thought permaculture just meant agriculture that could be carried on indefinitely. A Wikipedia check tells me there's a lot more to it than that.

So, does your growing operation need to have no outside inputs to be truly permie? Do you make sure that your inputs come from sustainable sources as much as possible? What happens when a sustainable input isn't available?

I'm living in a cold-climate urban environment and I don't own any land anyway, so I was planning to grow indoors. I'd increase my electricity and water consumption to an extent, and I hope to recycle the soil if I can get a compost going. That leaves the input of seeds as an unknown for now.
9 years ago
This all sounds very encouraging. Bryant RedHawk, what your friend does sounds like what my partner and I had in mind. So we're not delusional.

I finally figured out the right place to look for legality. It's legal, but you need a permit. The application process looks pretty doable.
9 years ago
Thank you so much! It looks like I should go check out the "market gardens" forum, too. Didn't notice it the last time I posted.
9 years ago
Newbie here. I've been lurking on the forums for a little while and I really appreciate how you guys get into nitty gritty details.

How have microgreens worked out for people here? Is it profitable? Unprofitable? Too much work? I thought I might try growing some for side income, but I'm totally in the feeling things out stage.

I also want to know if such an operation is even legal where I live. Where would I go to find that out? The municipal government? State government?
9 years ago