Steve Korper

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since Aug 15, 2015
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I actually have nothing existing. We had a loved one pass away and too much time went by to salvage anything.

By what I read, and maybe you are telling me-
From scratch: Purchase a bottle of raw apple-cider vinegar with a mother (the mother is like a sediment and not like a jelly fish in this store bought variety)(mine was like a jelly fish)
mix some of this raw apple-cider vinegar 50/50 with a wine.
Can it be just the vinegar from the bottle or should I shake the bottle to mix the mother up and then use this as my 50% vinegar portion?

9 years ago
Is there a way to start growing my own mother from scratch?

9 years ago
Thank you so much for your input. It makes much more sense now.

I just need to find a source to purchase a new mother to start all over again with.


9 years ago
I was told to place the mother in the bottom of the jar. Dilute the wine to 50%. Place saran wrap on the top of the jar to prevent evaporation.

The new mother grows on top of the wine.

Was I told correctly?

9 years ago
If you could please clarify the wine-mother-vinegar circle of life for me.
I received a 'mother' from one of my friends (who now moved to another state). I placed it in the bottom of a large jar, filled the jar with a white wine, and let it sit in a dark warm place. After a few days what seems like a 'new' mother began growing on top of the wine. It gets thicker over time.
Is this a good thing? Is it 'actually' a new mother being created? Is this how a new 'circle of life' occurs for 'mothers'?

Thank you in advance for your help.
9 years ago