Reist John

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since Aug 16, 2015
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I grow trees as a hobby and sell them from my dooryard. Looking for seeds my wife noticed the tree on the internet and its showy flowers. Doing research I found they are 75% oil and make a good biofuel.I will be trying to plant them out on my property to see how they grow and investigate how they would be as a crop. Other plants used for biofuel like corn have to be replanted every year, the Yellowhorn produces a nus that can be collected everyyear..
8 years ago
Bought Yellowhorn seeds from Schumaker and Shefeilds last year with no results, ended up buying some seeds on Ebay from France they did not germinate till later in spring when it got hot. This year I bought seeds through the seeds came from China where they are grown as a crop. I soaked in warm water for 48 hrs, had 2 batches one sanded the other nicked both germinated after 2 wk. Planted in a platic shoe box with lid sitting on a grow pad to heat the soil. So far only 3 have germinated out of 88
9 years ago

Denis Huel wrote:I frequently store potted trees over winter in Saskatchewan. I simply dig a trench the width and depth of the pots and place the pots in the trench filling the spaces along side and between the pots with some of the excavated dirt. Chose a sheltered area where snow will cover the ground. Make sure the plants are well watered before freeze up. You could mulch with leaves but run the risk of mice settling in for the winter. I occasionally lose the odd plant. I suspect drying is the culprit. I overwintered some butternut trees last winter without any difficulty even though the coldest temperatures of the year occurred (-30C) in the first half of November when there was no snow.

Would you lie the trees in pots on there sides or stand them upright ?
9 years ago
Would raised beds work for storing the trees for the winter?
9 years ago
Could I barrythe pot or should they be taken ot of the pots and planted? I will be working with some trees next year that can develop a long tap root
9 years ago
I have been buying bareroot trees as well as growing them from seeds, planting them and trying to sell them to gardeners. My problem is what to do with potted trees during the winter. Last year I placed half my trees in a shelter covered in leaves and half in the woods surrounded by fence and covered with leave. Neither idea really worked, the shelter trees seemed to be dried out and the trees stored outside had broken tips.

The trees seedling I have are black walnut, butternut, tulip tree, catalpa, mulberry, dogwood, redbud, white elm and sugar maple. Any ideas on how to store them. I built a new garage with an attic and I was thinking about putting them up there, would that work

Rollingdam, New Brunswick, Canada
Zone 5
9 years ago
I bought some seed to grow thinking that I could selling them as a landscape plant and then I saw their food and medical uses. Has anyone been able to grow them in US or Canada commercially is there a market?
9 years ago