Hello all.
I'm currently in South America ACTIVLY searching for land. Im fed up with reading all of these great ideas while not finding any existing communties. It seems like a lot of people are talking the talk without, well, you know.
Im not looking for a hyper interactive community where every single person and farm and element is directly connected. It seems like some of us are stuck on this "lets all do this together" idea. No. I'm going to be on my farm, practicing permaculture & biodynamics while youre away on youre farm doing the same. Sure, we can plan water flow / swales / collection ponds so our farms interact like that, but I dont want to have to dive in to a giant master business plan with you like some of these "start up" plans are seeming like. Like my friend Rene's post earlier, I want to be in an autonomous community. Im doing my thing youre doing yours. We'll help eachother when its needed like a good neighbor should. But i dont want to be your blood brother.
I WWOOFED last year on two farms in a community just like this. Mallin Ahogado. Its up in the Andes mountains outside of El Bolson, Argentina. Which is in the southern part of the country. Its tottally autonomous. Check out the preview host farm list for Argentina and youll see plenty of farm there. There was even a big water canal running through the entire area feeding water to everyone which came from a glacier. There was a few community projects going on but nothing like some of you keep dreaming and only dreaming about.
Two reasons why I dont already live there: 1. All the land was in USD and was not much cheaper than the states. 2. The government is similar to the United States in terms of being in bed with Monsanto and other large entities.
So. With my semi heated rant over....
Does anyone know of an EXISTING AUTONOMOUS homestead community somewhere in south america where the land is cheap???!!! Right now I feel like either going to join Rene in Colombia or suck it up and go to Argentina! Ahhh
-Cheers everyone