My wife and I recently started buying parts and pieces to start going solar. We live in NW Ohio. The highest month of energy usage is January at almost 2500KW. The least would be April and October at just over 1600kw. We have a small farm and 3 boys; 17, 14, and 10. The cheapest way to go full solar is to reduce energy usage. We currently run 2 fridge/ freezers, 2 deep chest freezers and 1 stand up freezer. The fridge / freezers, one is 2 yrs old and the other just over 5 yrs old. The freezers are all over 20 yrs old. Our plan is to start canning and smoking our meat to reduce the need for the freezers. We just added the stand up freezer due to having a good deer season this past fall. We have a new washer and dryer, both vertical axis. Both are electric. We hope to eliminate the dryer usage by revamping the clothes line and installing clothes lines and racks in the wood stove room for the winter months. Our water heater is 50 gallons and is electric. It does have an energy star rating for what its worth. We just converted the stove top to propane and the oven is electric. We do have a propane furnace which is only used when the fire in the stove goes out or we are not at home during the day. Which is only a couple times a week. We also have an AC but only use it when the house reaches above 80 degrees. We also have a pond and a water line coming into the house from it. The majority of the bulbs we use is CFL. On average, there are lights on in 3 - 4 rooms during night time hrs. We run 5 laptops and no desktops. 4 cell phones on chargers at night. We also have a submersible well pump.
As for the small scale farming we do, We run a brooder box from March till Nov. We are looking at a hot plate (66W) to replace the 250w brooder light. During winter months we run 2 trough heaters. Our electric fencing is solar. Lights in the barns are only on during feeding and milking times. Most of our shop tools are battery or air driven.
In our business we maintain fleets of diesel trucks. Part of the services include oil changes. Currently I sell my waste oil. I accumulate around 75 - 100 gallons monthly. I would like to run a generator using waste oil. Haven't even starting looking at this yet.
Our plan is to buy a large stand up freezer to replace the 3 freezers and the older fridge/freezer. We are looking at either instant heat water heater or moving back to propane. I haven't really researched solar water heaters yet. The oven in the winter only gets used a couple times a week and normally at low heat but for longer periods. In the summer the oven gets more to cook pies with fruits from the property. Would it be worth switching to propane. What uses can our waste oil be used for and what benefit will come from that?
Lastly, I have given thought of building a methane pit and get off the propane kick all together. That needs much more research. We have rabbit, chicken and goat manure. Getting some cattle within 12 months. I have a friend that has 500 head dairy farme a couple miles down the road and could get as much free manure as I wanted.
My goal is to get down to 1250 kw monthly. Any input, advise and direction would be appreciated.