Ellen Schindler

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since Aug 24, 2015
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Recent posts by Ellen Schindler

I definitely feel the same and have resorted to pasteurising in water at 71-80 degrees Celsius. Barley straw, dried grass clippings/hay, a mix of both, a mix of either with cardboard and wood shavings from the lathe and so on.
Looks like the short dried grass clippings may be a way to go - and I am doing a favour for a lawn mower guy at the same time.
keen reading more experiences.
4 years ago
how do you prevent the coffee grounds getting contaminated with strich oder
Any way I tried a bag of fresh coffee grounds of the day from a cafe didn’t work out. As it is a sterile medium do you inoculate in a sterile air flow chamber?
and your shiitake block, what’s that made of?
Thanks, E
4 years ago