Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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Barbara Brown

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since Sep 08, 2015
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Thanks, everybody, for the suggestions. I've saved the pdf about goat disposal, and taken to heart the many comments you've made. I also found another thread, "What to do with the Rest" which I hadn't seen before posting. I feel confident now, and thank you all for your generosity!
9 years ago

Chris Barton wrote:Well you could let maggots eat it then use the maggots to feed chickens or wild birds if you'd rather keep it out of your food chain.
I would just give fish guts straight to chickens personally.

Yes! I would, but I've heard that feeding fish to chickens makes their eggs taste off.
9 years ago
Hoping David Goodman or someone else who knows can comment. How do you capture the nutrients from the non-edible parts when you slaughter animals for meat? We've processed two tuna recently. I buried the carcass from the first in my not-very-active compost pile. Copped out and put the carcass from the second in the trash What to do?

I'm also looking at how to compost remains when we cull a few chickens in the near future.
9 years ago