gaven horne

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since Sep 25, 2015
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Recent posts by gaven horne

does anyone know what size filter sheet you need to harvest algae? i was thinking of using muslin cloth, though i think i heard that you need 1 micron sheet to filter it?
9 years ago
from the science type reports that ive browsed it would seem that the algae can certainly survive in seawater, but it would not be a productive way to cultivate it. in africa someweres they have an aglae growing system that takes all of their humanure and liquid waste and runs it through a shallow channel with a clear cover the concentrated sun rays sterilize it then it and its mixed with the algae to grow in a channel system with a paddle mixer...
9 years ago
so ive been experimenting with small scale algae culture i had a successful spirulina culture going for awhile but i accidentally added the wrong thing to the solution one time and it went south, it could have been recovered but i was so busy at the time i never did, recently i started things back up but this time ive have added chlorrella and nanochloropsis, if these go well i hope to add marine phytoplankton and afa bluegreen algae, only thing is i lost my original notes additionally different micro algae have slightly different preferences so i was wondering if anyone has experience with these things and could recommend some concise media recipes, i have found some scholarly sources but they dont give me the information tailored to my purposes, they are also somewhat unclear as to certain details, so ya any media recipes or good notes would for those who dont know about such things i will give a small overview for your benifit, as i recall my previous recipe went something like this, to 1 liter of liquid one adds 1 gr seasalt 5 gr washing soda 15 gr baking soda, also 1 ml of liquid fertilizer (mostly nitrogen, possibly in the form of ammonium nitrate)concentrate with some chelated iron these things along with a submerged water heater to keep it about 90 f and an air bubbler to keep the algae suspended and provide additional co2 and a ldecent light or sunlight is pretty much the basis for keeping it living...
9 years ago
so im experimenting with a bsfl farm, but its coming into fall right now and im having trouble finishing the life cycle, i bought some grubs and put them in a bin with compost scraps, they were eating vigorously but now have gone pupae so the activity is done i believe they are alive but dormant, i would like to know if anyone has experience with the lifecycle on these little guys, their home is currently in a greenhouse that is behind a structure so mostly shaded, im thinking to try and make a fly tent over the top of the tub with a clear plastic bag and to get the heat back up by buying a second set of grubs that will eat and heat does anyone know if that will be enough heat for enough time to get the next generation hatched? or do i need to completely rethink this plan also im counting on ambient light being enough do i need to set up lighting, cause that would be alot more complicated to get (im trying to avoid running power out to their home)
9 years ago