Bob Tresach

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since Sep 28, 2015
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Recent posts by Bob Tresach

Wyatt, thanks for all the input!

I may very well use too much soap. Going to cease and desist on that for a month and see what happens.
9 years ago
Also yes, varied depths.

Thanks for the help!
9 years ago
Bout two buckets go in weekly, and dawn dish soap. Any clues there?

No kitchen compost, just urine, tp, sawdust, and feces.
9 years ago
Ok, more info:

About a third full (four months @ two adults and a cat), in the shade, temps anywhere this last month from 30°f to 70°f.

Max pile temp: 75°

Is the pile just too "young" at this point? Or should I be concerned?
9 years ago
Wyatt: was your pile in the sun? What part of the country are you in?

I think I'm just going to stop worrying until next summer, and if it hasn't reached a high temp by then maybe I will turn it and add some starter.
9 years ago
I'll try pulling the thermometer out a bit abd report back.

Moisture wise I'm pretty sur I'm good. I, too, am liberal with the rinse water.
9 years ago
20" compost thermometer, center of the now ~12" high by 30" in diameter pile (in a 4'x4' bin lined on all sides with straw.
9 years ago
I'm new to the forum and new to composting toilets. I'm sure this is a question that has been asked before, so I'm sorry in advance.

I started my first pile, using the Joseph Jenkins system, on June 20 of this year. I use fine sawdust from my local sawmill, do not separate urine, and the pile is located in the shade on my property in New York State.

The temperature has spiked a few times, mostly after new additions, to around 100°F. Other than these few times, the temperature has remained around 70 or 80°F.

I know I am only three months in to a 24 month cycle, but I'm nervous and just wondering if someone can reassure me that the temperature will rise and things will no longer look like poop and sawdust?
9 years ago