Miriam Efrona

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since Oct 01, 2015
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Recent posts by Miriam Efrona

I'm really new to gardening, and excited to get started, but I have no idea where to begin. I live in Israel, and wanted to start with the following:
These are all vegetables that we eat on a near daily basis. I'm not sure if that's too big a list, or reasonable for a first attempt. I should add that this is a part-time endeavor. I realize I'll need to put in more time in the beginning to get everything set up, but then in terms of maintenance I have to be reasonable as to how much I can dedicate.

So my first question is, is this list reasonable? Is it too much? How much time will a garden like this require in terms of care?
How do I get organic seeds?
When do I need to plant? Is there any way to ensure that there will be fresh vegetables all year long? (You're probably laughing your heads off at that question, but I know that cukes and tomatoes are grown here year-round.)
What do I need to look out for in terms of soil and pots (and anything else?) so that I won't have toxins leaching into my veggies? There isn't a lot of organic awareness here in Israel, so I really have to know what to look out for.
Anything else I should be aware of?

Thanks so much, and I'm looking forward to being part of this community!