Nick Dufek

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since Oct 17, 2015
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Recent posts by Nick Dufek

Thanks Allen. Looking forward to exploring the topics.
9 years ago
Thanks Ryan! Great resources. I did order a similar starter kit from:

Working through the modules help build a little confidence, but the guide and code comments lacked a sufficient explanation for my low level. I'll check out your link.

Running a solar power system sounds like where it's at. Kudos! I hope to be experimenting with that soon. I thought about a DC pump that can be adjusted, but I worry about it loosing power and having to occasionally tune it to meet a constant flow rate. I have found some valves that will self adjust. Haven't tried them yet. But I will share the results.

To be continued...

9 years ago

I am looking for a guide or advice to help get started on automating valves (for flow rate adjustment and emptying tanks) on my aquaponics system. I have an arduino uno board and looking to utilize it for this purpose. My programming ability is amateur at best, but I am a fast learner. My first goal is to use a solenoid valve to empty a swirl filter on a daily basis.

I am hoping for schematics to wire a solenoid valve to the arduino and some sample code to get started on programming.

9 years ago