Ryan Popple

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since Oct 24, 2015
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Recent posts by Ryan Popple

thanks y'all!
6 years ago
This was our first year using drip irrigation in our small backyard garden of 6 raised beds. We are located in Pittsburgh PA (zone 6a). My question for y'all is, what do you recommend for winterizing a drip system? I have drained the system, but should i disassemble it and put it up for the winter? Any suggestions , tips or tricks would be welcomed. cheers y'all.
6 years ago
Hello rich,my name is Ryan, I received my PDC two years ago and have been practicing permaculture for about 5 years now. I would love to help in any I can. Feel free to contact me through here or on my instagram page @gratefulgardenguild  
I also have a fresh harvest of worm castings and a lot of annual seeds that I can trade, barter and give away. Located in Pittsburgh. Take care, Talk soon.
7 years ago
hey justin! i plan on giving to the kickstarter soon. Thanks for all you have shared through youtube, podcast ect.. if your trip comes through Pittsburgh, we have a small scale urban homestead, micro csa and sell to a few local juice bars and cafes. We have two extra bedrooms if you would like to crash for a night or two. Cheers, good luck!
8 years ago
no worries. we had a great trip and where able to stay at bonita domes. which where very inspiring.
8 years ago
My wife and i are doing a week long trip to Joshua Tree in April. Flying into the LA area. We are looking for any permie farms/homesteads that we could tour and or help out for a day. Hoping to gain some more knowledge and motivation for our future projects.
Cheers, Ryan
8 years ago
Jesse, that is very rad idea!
I too am a fellow bmx trail builder, and have had simailr thoughts. For the past ten years I have been practicing permaculter without even knowing it. Good luck with your project! If your ever in the north east, holler at me.
A pov of our trails for others that might want to see what a world class set of bmx trails looks like.
9 years ago
Hey Bob, My wife and i live in Pittsburgh,Highland park area. We are looking to start a homested and a small CSA in the next couple years. We are looking to do a bunch of workshops and start working towards our PDCs in the upcoming year as well. https://www.facebook.com/HazelwoodFoodForest?fref=ts this group is going great things in the city and could be a good resource.
If your ever in the area stop by for a beer.
9 years ago