William Hackett-Jones

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since Nov 17, 2015
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Recent posts by William Hackett-Jones

Dammit! I thought I'd read everything here on this topic, then find your reply after I've posted my bit about piping the exhaust to a greenhouse.

That said, no one replied to you, so perhaps there's still hope for the idea...
9 years ago

I'm in the theoretical stage of learning about permaculture and all its associated loveliness.
I watched some wonderful vids on rocket stoves, and want one.
Having thought about wanting one for a bit, I then thought about the permie concept of benefit stacking, or whatever it's called.
And I thought, surely we can use the exhaust gases - room temperature co2 and steam?
Surely a greenhouse is the ideal recipient of these gases.

Has anyone run a rocket stove exhaust to their greenhouse, and if so, with what results?
If not, why not?

9 years ago