Still here! Ups and downs! I lost my pitbull, Pj. She was 15 and I held her until her last breath when she passed at home. I got her when she was 9 weeks old in NYC. She grew up in a bar on Ave C and then we sailed the Caribbean Sea on a 60' catamaran, moved to California, moved to TX to start a farm then back to the mountains of California. She herded my chickens for me, she did not like the turkeys they did not like her. She liked baby pigs but preferred bacon. Pork bones made her throw up. She lived a full life and it sucks to lose your dog.
We have moved about half of our pigs to the new place. I got a livestock guardian dog. We named him, Hudi! His mother is a Maremma his father is half Anatolian a quarter Akbash and a quarter bordie collie. He lives with the goats. The goats have started having babies. We are up at 20 kids so far with another 10 does pregnant.
I apologize for not posting more, Life gets hectic. Our truck, Moby Dick, has been broken down since last Summer and we have been using Uhaul trucks to get by until we can get it back up and running. Our stock trailer has had a flat tire the last four times we have gone to take pigs to the abattoir on the way home. The axles are on their way out too. I am looking for a new trailer and a new set of axles. By this summer I will need a second trailer. We have been looking for a new van or truck but the dealerships do not have any in California for the last 6 months. I have talked to the dealer in Texas I bought my last truck and it seems I will have to order one and a wait a few more months.
I have a new girl helping out on Saturdays at the market. That makes 3 Saturday markets for us and one Sunday market during the Winter. Just an update. I will get some pictures up soon...