As far as I can tell, everything survived. Bush blueberries Im not yet sure yet, but at least they kept their leaves.
I dont have any other kind of raised beds besides hugels. I have a couple of spots in the yard with regular non-raised beds which Im using as comparisons for hugels.
My planting is now done. Everything is outside. I may buy one apple tree later on the summer but that is not sure yet.
Old bed nr. 1 includes: Kale (the most importatnt thing), kohlrabi, swede, turnip, radish, marigold, garden cress, variety of different onions, broad bean and diffrent peas.
Old bed nr. 2: Strawberry (lot of...), onions, marigold, borage, and white clover. Altough Ive learned that it was propably a big mistake to add clover to the mix there.
Old bed nr. 3: Mostly the same as nr. 1, but also added potatoes and sunchokes there with rhubarb.
New bed nr. 1: Carrots, black salsify, parsnip and nettles.
I have the same idea. Polyculture is the way to go. Couple of comfrey plants have also coming up from the seed, which Im pretty happy about.