Juha Imberg

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since Dec 26, 2015
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Recent posts by Juha Imberg

Finally I managed to get something on film here. We´re having one of the heaviest snow winters here and thought I´d share some of that.

6 years ago

Matu Collins wrote:The thing is, who wants to buy something for 10000 if an evil dictator can repossess it at a whim? They are unprotected

Luckily there is still this thing called free will. Or at least was when I last checked.

There are rules everywhere. If one can agree with rules they feel good. Luckily those persons dont need license from everyone not OK with rules.

Idea of doing almost everything imaginable regardind permaculture is also a plus. One can rent places elsewhere but arent allowed to fullfill permaculture dreams. Ther can even be neighbors pouring all kind of shit on ground and spraying everything alive.

Dont know why I even bother with this. If I want to do it, I dont need permission from others. So maybe Im willing to take the risk.
I really love the idea that comes up at the end of the podcast. To come there and be able to buy a house that I can be OK during the cold winter nights. Pure love.

I really suck on building anything and I cannot believe I could learn enough during one spring and summer to build something I can survive thru winter. I understand this is only an idea now but can Paul try to guess (even a ball-park-guess) what kind of money would be involved with this kind of deal. Of course if there is also hugelbeds its even beter but that I know how to build and grow.

Just love the idea. Really.
Sorry, I didnt read your post clearly enough... Already answered my question,
8 years ago
My parents-in- laws told that there was pretty harsh winds week ago at least in Kolari. Did you have the same storm in your location?
8 years ago
As far as I can tell, everything survived. Bush blueberries Im not yet sure yet, but at least they kept their leaves.

I dont have any other kind of raised beds besides hugels. I have a couple of spots in the yard with regular non-raised beds which Im using as comparisons for hugels.

My planting is now done. Everything is outside. I may buy one apple tree later on the summer but that is not sure yet.

Old bed nr. 1 includes: Kale (the most importatnt thing), kohlrabi, swede, turnip, radish, marigold, garden cress, variety of different onions, broad bean and diffrent peas.

Old bed nr. 2: Strawberry (lot of...), onions, marigold, borage, and white clover. Altough Ive learned that it was propably a big mistake to add clover to the mix there.

Old bed nr. 3: Mostly the same as nr. 1, but also added potatoes and sunchokes there with rhubarb.

New bed nr. 1: Carrots, black salsify, parsnip and nettles.

I have the same idea. Polyculture is the way to go. Couple of comfrey plants have also coming up from the seed, which Im pretty happy about.
8 years ago
Our nice summer here...

Spring has been very nice and warm here around the Polar Circle. Weve passed our regular last frost date already and hugels are doing mostly fine. Raddish, kale, vcarrots, parsnips etc. have come up already. Last night we had snow. Yes, snow. Temperature was barely above freezing whole time but I woke up this morning with almost 10 centimetres of snow. This is now a great chance to observe if the raised hugelkulturs cope better with this kind of weather compared to traditional benches. If there is anything still living after this, Im happy.

Not to mention almost 30 new berry bushes I just had put on the ground around week ago. Older bushes Im not worried about, theyre not dead altough its possible Im not harvesting this autumn. But the newer ones...
8 years ago
This is propably a stupid question, but... Where I can find this podcast episode?
8 years ago
Strawberries doing pretty fine. Theres three different kind of seeds going on and Im pretty happy how everything has been germinated. Got couple of growing lamps to help them cause we have no sun yet enough to courage the seedlings grow well.

But... Anyone been growing comfrey and Good King Henry from seed? Do they need stratification to germinate? Comfrrey seeds have been in moist dirt now for three weeks without any germination. Ive put now all the pots in chill carage where the temperature is about 0-5 Celsius all the time. Same thing with Good King Henry. Ive found pretty controversial info about both plants. Here it says theyll do well without stratification but there is info that those need cold period. Anyone have exact knowledge about this? Or is it just that seeds are poorly germinating species?
8 years ago
Now, two days later, strawberry seedling count is four. t the same time its snowing all the time more. Were getting soon officially one meter snow depth. Still one winter month to go before spring comes. Hopefully... Also I put half a pack black salsify seeds in to see if those seeds are already too old to germinate and looks like I have to buy new ones for next summer. No germination whatsoever. Package was a bit old already.
8 years ago