Ben Jammin

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since Mar 07, 2016
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I love the concept of RMH's, but I'm concerned that without real walls to hold the heat, it may not be enough raw heat to keep us comfortable. We are getting a 30' yurt because its quick and easy and cool looking, but the only insulation is "double bubble" foil on both sides with air bubbles inbetween and its a comparatively low R-value. From what I'm reading it sounds like you have to keep the stove going or it gets cold pretty fast. That's why the RMH would be great, but do you think it will do well in a yurt? Maybe we should have both? One for long lasting heat and one for big immediate heat. Keep in mind a yurt is 14' in the center, but I am going to have a PV system that powers a fan for circulation.

Also, has anyone here gone from using a woodstove FULL TIME in the winter to using a RMH FULL TIME? I'm concerned that having to constantly feed it will get old...I'm so used to stuffing a wood stove with oak logs and coming back in 4-6 hrs....thoughts?
8 years ago