Kit Carson

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since Jul 23, 2016
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Recent posts by Kit Carson

Davin Eberhardt wrote:Hello everyone!

I'm excited to join the forum.  Taking Geoff's PDC right now and curious if others in this forum are in the online course?  

Hi Davin, Kit Carson here.  I'm taking the course from down in Mexico.  The property we live on and I will be doing my design for is 2 hectares, around 5 acres of high desert.  The course is way more in depth than I had expected, but that's all to the good.  I'm loving it.  Where are you located?
7 years ago
Hi Scott,

I was impressed with the work you've done so far.  Lots of creative thinking. A very interesting stacking use of your in ground pool. We learn by observing as we go along, so there are no mistakes, really. If you're interested in ducks, I recommend Jack Spirko's excellent videos,  "The Duck Chronicles" - season two, on YouTube. I also got turned on to Jake Mace via John Kohler.  I consider myself to be exceptionally fortunate to be taking Geoff Lawton's PDC right now. Good luck with your garden.  Maybe you could plant some edible ground cover around those new fruit trees?
8 years ago