Jeff Sheehan

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since Jan 20, 2016
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Recent posts by Jeff Sheehan

I'm new here, so hello! I've been receiving the forum for some time now, but never registered and posted before now.

By my username I may sound biased, but at the moment I would invest in craft beer. Specifically a start-up with an individual entrepreneur, or team of them joining forces who have some real industry experience. I am actuall part of the industry and have been for 15 years for a few different businesses with different brewery models. They all work right now. They are growing fast all around our country and not slowing down. Talk to me in 5 or 10 years and the story may have changed, but those that fail are those without experience. The craft beer consumer is becoming more sophisticated everyday and can tell the difference in quality products. The average breweries are experiencing double digit growth annually and many are experiencing 40% year to year.

I make beer, forage, garden, have bees and live in a dense forest in Michigan. I love the ideas and conversations I read on this site. Thank you!

9 years ago