Mirch Cal

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since Oct 14, 2016
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Kamut wheat or khorasan wheat is an ancient wheat, precursor to durum and is sometimes well tolerated by those who are gluten intolerant.
Give it a try maybe. Good video by Bob Quinn who grows/organizes growers and markets Kamut. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cccSjBAXsxQ
I use it daily. Super tasty and always organic. I buy it from Azure Standard. Einkorn is most ancient and should also be tried out. Azure sells that too.
Highly highly recommend Costco for fruit trees. Very good healthy and large plants and super reasonable prices for what you get.
3 years ago
I have a small city lot in zone 9b, west coast, clay soil and 20+ fruit trees and shrubs, all dwarf or semi dwarf and generally doing well and fruiting. Many are from Costco. Their trees are v good quality and big. Rest from HD and local nurseries, couple from Peaceful Valley. Highly recommend Costco for fruit trees. I make my own fertilizer roughly Steve Solomon formula - feather meal (N), Kelp (K, micros), oyster shell lime (Ca), Soft Rock Phosphate(P), soil sulfur, tiny bit of Borax, and sometimes tiny amounts of zinc, copper, manganese, iron sulfate got from alpha chemicals online. East coast probably need Mg too, so maybe use dolomite lime. Just scratch on top and around the tree. And compost if I have any. And mulch. I also used Azomite in the beginning.
3 years ago
Organic ancient grain (kamut, spelt, emmer, einkorn, etc) sourdough could be more easily tolerated by gluten sensitive people. Easier to digest.
4 years ago

This green oasis is a drought-proof village in Rajasthan, India
5 years ago