Adam Price

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since May 15, 2016
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Welcome! Your plan definitely sounds innovative/new. Although starting out I suggest you avoid innovative until you feel comfortable with the basic concepts.

I could never imagine healthy producing soil that "hovers" over a pond in nature (first warning sign). You would have to pump the water vertically which feels like a waste of energy as well. If you are simply trying to use the nutrients that a pond generates then I would find/research a pond ecosystem that is flourishing and producing yields naturally with little to no input from you. These systems usually have gravity driven water flow, capture water with biomass/swales, and use methods like a composting tea to get that nutrients kick if needed.

Biodiverse food is important to prevent health issues so I applaud your enthusiasm for searching for ways to contribute to the solution.

Is there a specific reason you don't have access to ground but have a fish pond? That confuses me.
8 years ago