B Henry

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since Jun 02, 2017
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Zone 7a, Alabama
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the best solution I have used to remove mold on porous surface was 50/50 white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. after scrubbing the surface to remove as much as possible I did repeated applications to keep the surface wet so it could penetrate the wood and the cement blocks in the basement. after many applications over a day I used a small ozone machine in the room for 24 hours.
11 months ago
Just a note, I am using Ipad Pro:
watching the embedded link I was not successful in viewing the channel for a "like" or subscribe option.
watching the link that opens youtube I was able to see the channel, and 'like' option.
11 months ago
from the kickstarter page:

Posted by Rhube Knox
Nov 2, 2022

View on Kickstarter
Hello Kickstarter supporters!

To add a little extra fun for those who are gardening in smaller spaces, we've put together the Backyard Bundle!

Everybody who backs the Kickstarter at ANY LEVEL before this Friday (November 4th) at 2pm Mountain Time will get 'Packing Permaculture Principles Into Smaller Spaces', 'Advanced Suburban Permaculture', and Paul's 17-podcast review of 'Gaia's Garden'.

Which means if you're getting this update, it's already all yours! But if you know any backyard gardeners, you might want to let them know about this sweet bonus deal.
2 years ago
Congratulations Dez, what a milestone to hit, wishing you the best moving forward
2 years ago
Just curious as to how this may have developed in the time that has elapsed?
2 years ago

carla murphy wrote:I have a KitchenAid grain mill I acquired from an auction.  This is my only attempt at grinding my own wheat.  The 'flour' comes out really coarse even on the finest setting.  I run it through twice.  I've only been able to make bricks of bread, not loafs.  To be fair, I'm not a baker, so I don't know how to 'read the dough'.  I grow, my husband cooks.  But I dropped wheat from our diet about a year ago and have thoroughly enjoyed the lack of aches and swelling since we did.  I was hoping grinding an organic wheat would allow us to get back to bread.  So far I have not made anything palatable.  Bread so hard that even croutons made from it would break a tooth even after soaking in soup.  Are there any tips/tricks anyone can share about grinding with a KitchenAid grainmill and how to get a loaf of bread, not a brick using that flour.  Thanks in advance for any help.

We have a wondermill. One thing we have noticed about course versus fine grind, is the feed rate of the wheat berry greatly affects the final product. The closer you can keep your grind plates to top speed, the finer the finished product.
2 years ago
Might be a good use of a flip flop winch.

Could easily use 2, pull with one and hold while attaching second one. Pull with second one and hold while you reattach first one till you have it rolled over.

Trace Oswald wrote:My vote is the same for many homestead problems.  A good dog.

We currently have 3 (good is up for debate) dogs. One older mutt that just barely puts up with us and visit the surrounding area for days at a time only coming home when he is to chewed- to hang with the big dogs any more. Two puppies that showed up a couple weeks ago on the back side of the property. The puppies are currently in a pen inside the chicken fencing. The girls leash them and take them around on chicken duty morning and evening. They have ceased to be interested in the chickens and even have had a few fly over the fence into their area with no ill effects. We hope to be able to run them loose in the chicken pen in a few months of acclimation.
Our current dog sits and watches the neighbor dogs come through and kill our chickens when the first few were completely free range. And is of zero use against a hawk.

Oh for a few good dogs! :)
3 years ago
So this year we ordered 60 Easter Egger chickens to go with a few banties we hatched in our incubator from neighbors eggs. We had low success rate for several reasons mainly first time users of the $50 tractor supply incubator, and the eggs had been refrigerated up to 3 weeks. Anyway from the house we have seen the chicken hawk fly over, land, reach under the shelter and grab a pullet and fly off with it. Very sad, very frustrating. We have premier1 4 ft high electric fencing. A little over 300 feet of it and move it once a week around the yard. We have discovered that tree limbs stacked in a 3 to 4 foot high stack are one of the favorite places to hang out and great source of worms after they have been in place a week or so. We have also discovered a great use for old volleyball nets we have 3 cheap ones from walmart. After setting them up in a random pattern inside the electric fence we have seen the hawk fly over but decide not to try for a chicken. The nets seem to disrupt the flight path and takeoff area just enough to make it go somewhere else for a hot lunch. Time will tell if this solutions will be the final one And i may use some rebar to stick in the ground and set the volleyball nets a few feet higher off the ground. They are currently 3-5 feet what with different sets and broken missing pieces of the poles.
3 years ago