Mike Zaharias

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since Feb 19, 2016
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We are new to building mass rocket heater but have read most of the books and watched a lot of you tube. Now we are getting ready to build this spring. Our question is of course on the manifold. We are planning to use a cut down 55 gallon barrel for the manifold, with a whole 55 gallon on top. We have read where the manifold exhaust exit to the channel should be a least 2X that of the CSA of the burn tunnel. We will use 8” 26 gauge galvanized steel duct pipe for the channel and thinking of using a 12” X 8” 26 gauge galvanized steel duct pipe reducer to connect the manifold to the channel and coat the hole thing with  a couple of inches of  a mixture of high temp. clay and sand. The 12” end of the reducer gives you a CSA slightly more than double the 52” CSA of the 8” channel pipe. Any thoughts?
8 years ago
We have a kiln and are considering making a 8" ceramic heat riser out of porcelain clay, it will be fired to 2381 degrees and be in two pieces. Should we use a smooth glaze finish on it our leave it rough? We will probably make it 3" thick and be wrapped in insulated fiberglass. Do you have any suggestions and do you think it will work?
8 years ago