Daniel Brunner

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since Jun 10, 2017
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That washing machine has drive belts so good bet that they need replacement. They may be slipping. Just a guess . I would at least inspect them before looking for a new washer.
7 years ago
I'm not to far from the park only 2 to 3 miles. I really wasn't thanking of any need of payment work or otherwise. If it's more about learning other skills then I could possibly find some things.
I've used both Scythe Works and ScytheSupply to get what  I need. I had no problems with either but l like the selection Scythe Works has better only problem is that it's out of Canada so it may take a little more time get.
7 years ago
Hey ej
Does your grandson already have a scythe?
Have you or your grandson checked out scytheconnection and fully read what Peter Vido has put up about scything?
I live in Blanco and I've only started using scythe last November so I'm far from an expert. I would however enjoy helping other people interested learn to use one as best I can.
I find it fun to use and it does not have to be all that physically demanding to use.
7 years ago