E. Weedman

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since Apr 28, 2016
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Hi there,

for an instant garden I piled mixed garden-residues on my future bed (like a high raised bed without fixation) and on top I will use flat black plastic boxes which I think to fill with different substrates to grow stuff immediately. In the past I saw different plants using grass-mulch for putting there roots, as there is more oxygen and a lot of nutrients.
What if I used dried or semi-dried lawn-clippings or bigger shredded grasses as a direct growing medium within my boxes? Could I sow e.g. salad directly in the grass if I take care with the moisture ... btw, the roots could go through the boxes. the boxes are just to prevent weeds from underneath coming up. I have plenty of them in my nursery which are not always in use at the same time. As they are black they heat up easier.

What about your experiences or observations about that or what do you guess what I should consider?
I would do several trials, I'm waiting for your advice. In return I will tell you my results.

Thank's a lot!
Resilience Designer

P.S.: I live in Germany with 650mm precipitation on zone 7.