Bill Kling

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since Mar 09, 2017
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Electrical Engineering Geek who dabbles in woodworking, knife making, auto repair, and about 50 other hobbies while trying to build ponds in the Cariboo
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Recent posts by Bill Kling

I have given a number of family members bottles of a herbal tincture widely available at Herbal stores called Astragalus (Milkvetch). The results even with seniors suffering from Pneumonia  was impressive. Do your research and decide for yourself.
6 months ago
No..this is awesome Paul. What a great idea and very much in keeping with the season
I've been researching  grain mills to grind whole wheat and rye for sourdough bread making. Would the Komo classic be a good choice for this?
And critically how noisy is this mill? What kind of sound level (in dB) is it? Sorry but  I'm an electrical engineering guy so dB levels make sense to me.
The other mills I've researched are all very loud and in the interest of not annoying my wife with my cooking pursuits this is kinda important. Happy wife, happy Life!
3 years ago

The best place I've found locally is Wicks And Wax in Burnaby.

They've been around since 1959 and have a ton of candle making supplies.

And of course you can always go online but I've found the supplies from overseas are questionable.

I ordered "organic" cotton wicks from China and they smelt so bad i couldn't use them to make candles.

Not sure what they were treated with but when lit they had a really bad metallic odour that stunk up my living room in seconds.

Buyer beware.

Good luck
4 years ago

The rotary switch must be connecting either the voltage to the tracker or directly to the motor for manual control.

If you can follow the wiring on the rotary switch you should be able to trace the path and replicate it. Here's a typical way to control direction on a motor.

This was one of the simplest diagrams I could find to explain direction control. On your Suntracker circuit they're doing this with scr's or triacs. Triacs are typical as they are bidrectional current devices but SCR's only allow current flow in one direction. Triacs are more common on AC motor controllers.

If you can trace the wiring throught he rotary switch yuo'll be able to figure which way the control signal goes to run the motor. A good multi meter and a lot of patience. The rotary switches are usually fairly consistent in their layouts for in/out connections.

Sometimes you can use contact cleaner and temporarily "restore" the functionality of rotary switches to at least be ble to map out the proper connections


5 years ago

Just enlarged the 3rd pic. No. they are contact switches for rotation sense.

There should be some kind of triac control or relays somewhere on there.

You'll need to map out the wires and trace the signal path to figure out where the fault is. simplest thing is to just replace the rotary switch.

Otherwise its follow the signal to connect the tracker directly

good luck
5 years ago

In Pic 3 the 2 white rectangular lumps are probably solid state relays and what are probably powering the motor. motors are usually not driven directly from control ccts without some kind of buffer circuitry, i.e. relays

If they are you will have to wire to them. Pictures are hard to tell details from but in motor control circuits the relays are the most likely to burn the contacts in and are the likely fault.

Good luck
5 years ago