Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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gloria smith

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since Jan 07, 2016
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Recent posts by gloria smith

Your post is several years old, but future readers might stumble on this. Adverse leaches the body of b vitamins, which hyemale doesn't do. There was another problem with it too, but I can't remember
1 year ago
Its new to me. It's fairly large Olympic- though I don't know the model number. How do I know if the smoke is combusting? I do have a moisture reader coming in the mail... some of the wood fizzes steam other doesn't- so I think that might be the issue
9 years ago
I'm brand new to wood burning for heat and have no idea what I'm talking about- apologies for the newby questions. We just got a new woodstove to heat the house. A friend gave me some wood that he told me was "seasoned and dry". I've noticed that when the fire is flaming, it produces a lot of heat. If it is smouldering, it doesn't even heat the stove, much less outside the stove. Am I doing something wrong? (I don't know how to explain what I'm doing, I light the fire... and sometimes it starts flaming other times it doesn't). If it does need to be flaming, how do I make the wood flame instead of smoulder? The dampers are fully open.
9 years ago
Thanks su ba i'll try that. I'm in missouri- i looked it up and it said 204 days, i don't know what criteria they use.
9 years ago
I'm in zone 6 and I'm looking at a variety of options to determine which is best for direct seeding tomatoes/peppers. I can't start indoors because we don't heat the house during the day- but feel free to recommend an alternative, we have a huge south facing window its just unheated. ...and I always like to pretend that the economic collapse will happen tomorrow so I'm prepared. Anyways what are yalls success/failure tips and experiences with the following:
1. Growing them under a cloche
2. Growing early tomatoes- which varieties (no hybrids please)
3. Other options?
9 years ago