David MacLeod

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Recent posts by David MacLeod

I hope folks will be able to attend the Skillshare Faire/Northwest Permaculture Convergence coming up next week.

Instead of a PDC, Inspiration Farm is now doing two days of seminars following the Skillshare.

Special 2 day event following the
SkillShare Faire and NorthWest Permaculture Convergance

Have something you want to share let me know and we can see if we can fit it in. Stay tuned for more on this as things develop!
Announcing an opportunity not to be missed at Inspiration Farm
In conjunction with the Whatcom Sill Share Faire and the NorthWest Permaculture Convergence, Inspiration Farm would like to announce a two day bonus event. Plan to stay a little longer and take it all in!

Monday August 25th
Treat yourself to an extended Inspiration Farm tour tailored to Permaculture veterans and newcomers alike. Witness the advanced earthworks that allow nutrient and water to be passively harvested supporting the whole farm. Walk amongst the food forest and experience the secessional evolution.

Check out the animal rotational systems in place and see the progress that working animals within the landscape can achieve.

Share in the evening pot luck, social event. Bring a dish, your instruments, and Tel-A-Vision around the fire.

All day is available for a suggested $10 donation (no one will be excluded for lack of funds)
Camping is available for those wanting to attend Tuesdays workshops.

Tuesday Aug 26th
Preregistration Required $50 each workshop or $125 for the whole day event. Choose from three of the nine subjects
Inspiration Farm will host a series of mini workshops. Schedule subject to change
AM session - choose from 10-12-am

-Reading the landscape, surveying and earthworks - Brian Kerkvliet
We will be looking at natural contours and discuss strategies that will enhance water, nutrient and over all energy flow through the landscape. We will use different forms of surveying instruments to flag out contours and pond sites. Discussions on how to decide where and how big your earthworks can and should be for a given site and how they integrate with the overall site features. Small scale mock up earth works will demonstrate some of the many system utilized at Inspiration Farm.

-Seed Production for Food and Soil Health - Krista Rome, Backyard Beans & Grains
Learn how to transform harvested dry beans, grains, and mature cover crops into clean usable seed for eating or planting. Krista will introduce us to the simplest methods of threshing and seed cleaning. She will also demonstrate the seed processing equipment we hope will make these tasks accessible to more growers in the future through Salish Seed Co-op.

-Bio-char creation, inoculation, and use - Larry Williams

Lunch 12-1pm
PM sessions - Choose one from 1st session 1-3-pm

-Establishing a food forest nursery - Brian Kerkvliet
Using the nursery at Inspiration farm as an example we will discuss timing and strategies for grafting and propagation used to establish a food forest nursery. Vines, fruit trees, medicinals and nitrogen fixers suited to our area will be the focus species. The care and handling, from seed, cutting, layering or graft to planting, trading, or selling of your babies will be covered.

-Crafting with wild medicinals from your landscape.

-WATER: gray water, storage water, and water in the landscape. - Bruce Horowitz

Choose one from 2nd session 3-5-pm

-Micro remediation, Establishing your fungal friends in the landscape

-An Introduction to PatternDynamicsâ„¢ - David MacLeod
The focus of this introductory workshop will be on several of the Patterns found in all of nature, and learning to recognize them when they show up in human systems. There will be a 30 minute intro followed by movement exercises to embody the patterns and group discussion about how PatternDynamics can help us as we use this shared language to collaborate more effectively and facilitate the kind of collective intelligence that can effect change at the systems level. Learn more and download a free workbook at http://www.patterndynamics.net/
David MacLeod is the first individual outside of Australia to be accredited to lead the PatternDynamics Level 1 workshop https://integralpermaculture.wordpress.com/about/

-SOIL: Soul! Working with natural systems to build soil, composts and compost teas - We will look the natural soil building systems within our farm. Compost building stratigies and other ways to enliven the soil while in productive use. Home scale compost tea brewing and the many uses of worms in our system. taught by Brian Kerkvliet
To register call 360-398-7061
10 years ago
Only 1 week away - I'm getting excited for the Whatcom Skillshare Faire, followed by these two days of Permaculture seminars!


Brian Kerkvliet wrote:

Here is what we are offering as a addition to the SkillShare Faire and NWPC convergence
Announcing an opportunity not to be missed at Inspiration Farm
In conjunction with the Whatcom Sill Share Faire and the NorthWest Permaculture Convergence, Inspiration Farm would like to announce a two day bonus event. Plan to stay a little longer and take it all in!

Monday August 25th
Treat yourself to an extended Inspiration Farm tour tailored to Permaculture veterans and newcomers alike. Witness the advanced earthworks that allow nutrient and water to be passively harvested supporting the whole farm. Walk amongst the food forest and experience the secessional evolution.
Check out the animal rotational systems in place and see the progress that working animals within the landscape can achieve.
Share in the evening pot luck, social event. Bring a dish, your instruments, and Tel-A-Vision around the fire.
All day is available for a suggested $10 donation (no one will be excluded for lack of funds)
Camping is available for those wanting to attend Tuesdays workshops.

Tuesday Aug 26th Preregistration Required $50 each workshop or $125 for the whole day event. Choose from three of the nine subjects
Inspiration Farm will host a series of mini workshops. Schedule subject to change
AM session you can choose from 10-12-am
-Reading the landscape, surveying and earthworks - Brian Kerkvliet
-Processing and cooking with Beans and Grains - Krista Rome
-Bio-char creation, inoculation, and use - Larry Williams
Lunch 12-1pm
Pm sessions you can choose from:
1st session 1-3-pm
-Establishing a food forest nursery - Brian Kerkvliet
-Crafting with wild medicinals from your landscape. - Suki Aufhauser
-WATER: gray water, storage water, and water in the landscape. - Bruce Horowitz
2nd session 3-5-pm
-Micro remediation, Establishing your fungal friends in the landscape -
-An Introduction to PatternDynamics™ - David MacLeod
-SOIL: Soul! Working with natural systems to build soil, composts and compost teas - Brian Kerkvliet

To register call 360-398-7061

10 years ago
Another great video showcasing Inspiration Farm!

We should mention that the registration deadline for the P.D.C. at Inspiration Farm is coming up next Tuesday! July 15th!

If you're considering this, don't delay! Register Today! http://www.inspirationfarm.com/newif/classes/PDC.html or Call 360-398-7061
10 years ago
*See this post with all the correct formatting, plus photos, plus links that work here at Integral Permaculture:

Transition Whatcom, in northwest Washington state (Bellingham and surrounds), has a unique series of events coming up in August, and we welcome participation from all friends in the region (and beyond).

The 3rd Annual Whatcom Skillshare Faire (Aug. 23-24) is a fun, family oriented festival about teaching and learning all kinds of useful & practical resilience skills. Our August-sunny Faire this year will have two days of family-friendly Workshops and Demonstrations, plus a great lineup of local Musical Talent, tasty local Food Offerings and the ever-popular local brewery Beer Garden and Fermentation Station. Watch the promo video here, and see the Peak Moment TV episode filmed at last year’s Faire here.

This year we are pleased that the Northwest Permaculture Convergence is occurring within and alongside our Skillshare Faire! The Convergence will have its own tent, which will host the permaculture workshops and demos at the Skillshare, and will hold its annual meeting on Sunday the 24th at the Faire.

For those who are ready for the full-meal-deal of permaculture, we invite you to attend the Permaculture Design Certificate course at Inspiration Farm (just north of Bellingham), running August 17 – 29th. This course is being designed around, and will include at no extra charge, participation at the Skillshare Faire and Convergence! [Registration deadline for this PDC is coming up soon on July 15!] Watch the Peak Moment TV episodes filmed at Inspiration Farm here.

More details below for each of these offerings:

1) Permacluture Design Certification course at Inspiration Farm
Be part of the solution!
Learn a skill set for uncertain times
Registration for the PDC will close on the 15th of July so don’t delay, sign up today!
Extensive 72 hour Curriculum Includes: Design Methodologies ~ Site Mapping ~ Ethics ~ Design Principles and Goals ~ Pattern Recognition ~ Natural Cycles and Processes ~ Plant Identification ~ Wild crafting ~ Micro climate ~ Tropical and Dry land Farming ~ Indigenous Land Management ~ Natural Building ~ Forest Gardening ~ Mushroom Growing ~ Myco-Remediation ~ Renewable Energy ~ Passive and Active Solar Design ~ Soil Ecology ~ Compost Systems ~ Aquaculture ~ Animals in the Landscape ~ Plant Propagation ~ Slow Food ~ Urban Permaculture Strategies ~ Graywater Harvesting ~ Emergency Preparation ~ Appropriate Technology ~ Seed Saving ~ Nursery Set-up ~ Food Preservation ~ Local Economics ~ Currency and Community Structures ~ Non-Violent Communication ~ Pattern Dynamics…
Featured instructors Include:
Brian Kerkvliet, Co-steward of Inspiration Farm and Permaculture Research Institute Certified permaculture designer
Sarah Sullivan, co-founder of Hawaii SEED and director of the award winning school garden and scratch kitchen program
David MacLeod, from Transition Whatcom, and the first individual outside of Australia certified to lead PatternDynamics workshops, recognizing, integrating, and balancing natural patterns that show up in human systems.

With special guest presenters,
Doug Bullock, Washington’s premier permaculture designer and teacher,
Larry Dobson, Northern Light Research and Development,
Alex Winstead from Cascadia Mushrooms,
and more nationally recognized and local experts to be announced.
Courses held at Inspiration Farm an established 12 ac. Permaculture / Biodynamic farm setting! Enrollment includes free camping space and prepared wholesome beyond organic farm meals.
Paul Wheaton, of Permies.com, has named Inspiration Farm as the premier Permaculture Farm of the Pacific Northwest. You can learn much more in the Cascadia Forum at Permies.com here.

*BONUS! This PDC includes free admission and participation with the Whatcom Skillshare Faire/Northwest Permaculture Convergence happening in nearby Ferndale, WA on Aug. 23 and 24!*
Class meets 9am to 5pm Additional Hands-On Farm Opportunities throughout the course. Evening Permaculture and Eco-Films
Space is limited- first 10 students- $1295; regular tuition- $1395
Registration will close on the 15th of July so don’t delay, sign up today.
Some work-trade positions and payment plans available.
A great way to fund your PDC course fee and support the global work of Permaculture! We The Trees is a crowd funded stacking of functions, a win -win-win!
http://www.wethetrees.com/ pages/fund-your-permaculture- design-course

Attending a PDC is one of the best investments in future abundance you can make.For more info. and registration: Visit inspirationfarm.com or Call 360-398-7061
See also the informative forum discussion at Permies.com here and view the Peak Moment TV episodes filmed at Inspiration Farm here!

2) Whatcom Skillshare Faire! August 23rd & 24 – Two days with camping!
“Share your skills – Trade your wares”The Whatcom SkillShare Faire – a fun festival about teaching and learning all kinds of useful & practical resilience skills. Years ago, lots of people knew how to repair & sharpen tools, make a braided rug, raise chickens, make soap, build a fence, make simple toys, & much more.
The goal of SkillShare is to help revive those skills, showcase some new ones, and provide a place where all of us can come learn from people more experienced in these crafts and trades.
Our August-sunny Faire this year will have two days of family-friendly Workshops and Demonstrations, plus a great lineup of local Musical Talent, tasty local Food Offerings and the ever-popular local brewery Beer Garden and Fermentation Station.Lots more information at our website! http://whatcomskillsharefaire. org

(Camping scheduled through Hovander Park – see our website for details)

Do you have a skill to share? Register at http://whatcomskillsharefaire. org/share-your-skills/Volunteers have a great time at the Faire. To volunteer at the Skillshare:http:// whatcomskillsharefaire.org/ volunteer/
Vendors can register at: http://whatcomskillsharefaire. org/vendor-registration/

3) The Northwest Permaculture Convergence Board is happy to announce a new partnership (umbrellad-er-ship) for the 2014 season.
We encourage all our members to attend the Whatcom Skillshare Faire happening August 23-24 outside of Bellingham. We will have a ‘Permaculture’ area of the fair and on Sunday morning will hold our annual meeting there.
The Skillshare is a project of Transition Whatcom, and the worldwide Transition movement began with a Permaculture course! (toot toot)
Registration happens through the Faire and we are able to offer a discounted meal plan for members (see below).
Also, we are looking for several hardy volunteers to help with setup and breakdown of our area on Friday and Sunday evening. If interested in that, please send an email to volunteer@nwpermaculture.org.
For many reasons, we are tickled with this partnership. Not the least of these reasons being that many wonderful permaculture events are happening this summer!
See you at the Skillshare!
Or, if you’re a woman, see you at the West Coast Women’s Permaculture Gathering happening this year in Washington.
Or, if you’d like to converge with the whole western hemisphere, see you at the North American Convergence (link)
~ the NW Permaculture Convergence board
10 years ago
See my latest post (which links back to this thread) at Resilience.org: "Survive and Thrive with Permaculture"

David Holmgren, co-originator of Permaculture, and systems analyst Nicole Foss have begun their summer tour of Australia, which is being billed as “Strategies for a Changing Economy: Survive and Thrive” (click here for dates and here for further details about the tour). Foss will outline the links between the converging crises that include economic contraction, peak energy and geopolitical stress. She will also share her thoughts on the implications for how it will impact everyday lives and will share practical solutions. David Holmgren will outline practical strategies drawn from 30 years of permaculture to help households and communities survive, thrive and contribute to a better world. Holmgren will also present an update of his well-known and popular “Retrofitting the Suburbs for Sustainability” presentation...

...I’m hoping to see some of you at the Inspiration Farm PDC course I’ll be a co-instructor at in Northwest Washington state, Aug. 17-29th. Lead instructor Brian Kerkvliet is PRI certified, and Paul Wheaton, of Permies.com, has named Inspiration Farm as the premier Permaculture Farm of the Pacific Northwest. You can learn much more in the Cascadia Forum at Permies.com here.
10 years ago
Check out many of the Paul Wheaton podcasts from Inspiration Farm here: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=paul+wheaton+inspiration+farm
10 years ago
Last year we had Brian Kerkvliet help us design and implement a swale system on our 1/2 acre urban lot, and blogged about it here:

At that link you'll also find the Peak Moment TV interview with Brian about how he uses swales to "shape water and soil" at his 12 acre Inspiration Farm site, where he will be hosting a PDC course in August.

10 years ago
We're covering PatternDynamics at the Inspiration Farm PDC (Northwest WA) in August. Learn more from this thread (which includes a post on PatternDynamics): https://permies.com/t/35357/cascadia/PDC-Inspiration-Farm-August#292374
10 years ago

A Cutting Edge Tool for Human Collaboration: PatternDynamics™

“From a singular event all other events are set in motion in recognizable and predictable patterns. This pattern recognition is the core of design in Permaculture” – Bill Mollison

It is not uncommon for Permaculture designers to admit that they have a much easier time with their plants, animals and physical structures than they have when attempting to deal with human interactions. Tim Winton, founder and Director of the 170 acre Permaforest Trust education center in New South Wales, Australia, found much success using pattern recognition in developing food and land use systems. Challenged by ongoing issues with human organizational and social systems, he then proceeded to develop PatternDynamics™, a systems thinking tool based on observation of the most common patterns found in the natural world. These patterns informed the development of high level principles which can be used to address the most complex challenges that human systems face.

David MacLeod is the first individual outside of Australia to be accredited to lead the PatternDynamics Level 1 workshop, and will integrate this workshop experience into the Inspiration Farm PDC occurring in August 2014. Focus will be on several common patterns found in all of nature, and learning to recognize them when they show up in human systems. The next step will be to learn how to balance the patterns that are skewed, and to integrate in the patterns that might add a greater level of resilience and sustainability.

“The key to complexity is systems thinking, and the key to systems thinking is patterns. The key to patterns is using them as a language – an idea I borrowed from architect and mathematician Christopher Alexander’s book ‘Notes on the Synthesis of Form’.” – Tim Winton

PatternDynamics gives us a shared language, from which we gain the ability to collaborate more effectively with others. We believe the facilitation of this kind of collective intelligence is what is needed to effect change at the systems level – for those of us who aspire to make a deeper difference!

Further Resources:
PatternDynamics: Following the Way Nature Organizes Itself to Deal with Complexity by David MacLeod
Visit http://www.patterndynamics.net/ to view a short intro by Tim Winton and to download the free PatternDynamics workbook.
10 years ago
Permaculture Design Certification Inspiration Farm, Bellingham, Wa. Aug.17th - 29th 2014 Be part of the solution! http://www.inspirationfarm.com

Attending a PDC at Inspiration Farm, participants will be able to experience first hand permaculture in practice through a wide variety of tried and true applications. People will have the opportunity to get hands on experience with many of the functioning systems and eat prepared meals from the numerous established perennial polyculture food forests and take showers in the compost heated outdoor shower.

We will be teaching stuff that works, not just the things you see in books (sometimes it looks cool in the book, but when you try it, it doesn't work). We will share real life successes and failures and discuss the appropriateness of applying specific strategies.

Advanced course material will include learning how to read the landscape in real life situations at Inspiration Farm and neighboring properties. Surveying contour, understanding soil types, appropriate earthwork, finding water, animal integration, plant and site selection and more. We will teach professional practices of working with design clients from interview to implementation.

Our established but still evolving earthworks consists of 8 long swales, 5 ponds, 3 large huglkulture beds and several microclimate sun traps.

Animals we have on the farm include, Dairy cows, Dairy goats, layer chickens, turkeys, ducks and a horse. We have raised pigs, rabbits, geese and sheep in the past.

Lead instructor Brian Kerkvliet, co-steward and PRI certified permaculture designer will show you the many aspects that make Inspiration Farm a thriving resilient abundant system. http://inspirationfarm.com/newif/About.html

Co instructor Sarah Sullivan has taught permaculture and managed various permaculture educational centers. More recently, Sarah directed the award‐winning school-garden and scratch kitchen program. https://edibleschoolyard.org/user/2317

Co instructor David MacLeod will be integrating PatternDynamics within the course. David MacLeod is the first individual outside of Australia to be accredited to lead the PatternDynamics Level 1 workshop, and will integrate this into the Inspiration Farm PDC. Focus will be on several common patterns found in all of nature, and learning to recognize them when they show up in human systems. The next step will be to learn how to balance the patterns that are skewed, and to integrate in the patterns that might add a greater level of resilience and sustainability. David received his Permaculture Design Certificate at Inspiration Farm in 2009, the same year he co-initiated Transition Whatcom and won an “Environmental Hero” award from RE Sources for Sustainable Communities. https://integralpermaculture.wordpress.com/about/

Joining us for the course will be Doug Bullock renowned for his knowledge of plants and one of the premier North American permaculture teachers and practitioners. http://www.permacultureportal.com/

Larry Dobson from northern Light R&D will share many of his appropriate technologies in wind power and gasified wood burners and look at fun-da-mental forms and their building blocks. http://www.fundamentalform.com/

´ Design Methodologies
´ Ethics, Zones, Sectors, Slope
´ Design Principles and Goals
´ Site Evaluation and Mapping
´ Pattern Recognition
´ Water / Nutrient Harvesting
´ Natural Cycles and Processes
´ Plant Identification and Uses
´ Plant Guilds and Food Forests
´ Wild Crafting and Healing
´ Micro Climate Creation
´ Tropical and Dry land Farming
´ Indigenous Land Management
´ Greywater Systems
´ Effective Tera Forming
´ Emergency Preparation
´ Appropriate Technology
´ Natural Building Strategies
´ Animal Integration / Rotations
´ Seed Saving and Storage
´ Nursery Establishment
´ Plant Propagation
´ Food Preservation
´ Local Economics
´ Community Structures
´ Non-Violent Communication
´ PatternDynamics

Course Dates: August 17th-29th
Additional Hands-On opportunities throughout the course and other after hours events

Space is limited- first 10 early students, $1295 regular full tuition $1395
Work-trade & Payment Plans available.

As to the cost of a course. If you look at the big picture, $1000 -$2000 is really a small price compared to how much time an money it will save you as you learn how to work more in unison with nature. Skills and techniques that will allow you to not till the soil, irrigate or fertilize your crops, obtain multiple yields from the same piece of ground, all while you are building soil fertility and sequestering carbon. Techniques to secure multiple income streams from the same amount of work, become a model farm where you can teach classes, give tours, show how designs work and do consultation for other people in your area. It is hard to calculate the payback rate on this kind of investment, but it is large. In the last year I have earned over 10 times what I paid for my PDC in design consultation alone. I can guarantee you there is no shortage of people that want this kind of design work done for them. All of my clients found me with no advertising or outreach on my part. How many people go to collage for 4 years and come out in debt and can't get a job in their field? I could go on and on on how learning these skills will save you time, money and energy over time but you will need to come to the conclusion as to whether you want to take a PDC on your own.

There is also a group that helps people crowd fund the cost of their PDC or Permaculture project. learn more at http://www.WeTheTrees.com/


http://www.WeTheTrees.com/ Fundraise your course tuition with WeTheTrees!

10 years ago