Mitch Williams

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since Jan 23, 2016
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Justin Fader wrote:Thank you Dan! I will look him up, I only live a few miles from Papillion.

Is there a site with info on any if the offerings in the KC area? Not too far of a drive for some quality learning!

Hi Justin idn if you are considering making a trip down for either workshop to KC but i would be interested and could help with gas costs if you do. I live in mid town omaha. Im 24. Here is my email.

Lets make it happen!
9 years ago

Dan Grubbs wrote:Welcome Justin.

Be sure to look up Jonathan Dodd in the Papillion area. He has a premie/regen farm and has hosted workshops and is rearing his young family on their little farm. Their farm is called New Earth Farm & Goods found here: He and his wife Catherine also work with urban families and others to help make ends meet through growing healthful food.

And, if you're ever down Kansas City way, we'll be having a strawbale workshop at the end of February and a rocket-mass heater workshop in June.

Hi Dan, I would like more information on your workshops. I just registered today but have had an interest and passion for natural building and rocket stoves for over 6 years now. I have build a few of both on my own, although i am looking for more experience and opportunities this year!!

Thanks Mitch
9 years ago