George Ajay

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since Feb 01, 2016
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Hi Sharifah,

Check out Jagannath K's work at and also where he is employing permaculture and natural farming methods.

Hope you have a great experience in Kerala.


Sharifah Nazriah wrote:Hi Jess, I am new to this website. I lost my Job last year and ever since I have been trying to do natural farming. I have a been a staunch environment lover all my life and though its not known here in Malaysia I have been creating my own compost as fertilizers in spite of the strange reactions from my neighbors . I live in a city but I had since purchased three pieces of land of varied geographical nature but after wasted money down the drain trying to make something out of it I have halt the whole projects a few months ago. I plan to live in Kerala for two months next April though June 2016. I have not a clue where I could find the permies out there but I learnt that Kerala have very similar climate as here. Its been a while that you posted your plan to go there I would appreciate if you could share your experience an tips on how to best spent my holiday there as a student of knowledge.

9 years ago