Jake Black

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since Feb 23, 2016
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Wow that was a lot of great information, so if a farmer can make 300 a head how can a farmer make any income.
8 years ago
Hello im trying to understand better about what wholesale marketing is and what exactly it entails. Say i have 100 Hogs that are ready to be sold. who will buy them in a mass amount? And what is the average Market value per pound for a hog
8 years ago
So with direct-market farms its really just local customers? who else could buy your meat in mass amount to really make some money.
8 years ago
Do you butcher and package your own meat then?
8 years ago
So i would like to get into raising livestock and am just wondering what exactly i would do once i get to the point of being ready to sell them. Do i take them to auction or what?
8 years ago